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I did a bad thing.


Over Analystical Extreme Gambler
I did it. I really did it. I installed WoW and got a scroll of rez. Thirty minutes, I really tried to get any kind of feeling back from the days of old. Talked to people that still play, fiddled with my bank... And that's about it. I had absolutely no desire to go into an instance, a BG, or god forbid level something (left with 8 characters at 80+, no DK or Lock). All it did was make me crave GW2... And I mean CRAVE. I feel so deprived that the love I once had is now sour and tainted. But as with all things in life, I apparently have matured in my gaming habits in order to achieve a higher level of satisfaction. I can already tell that GW2 is the way to go, and nothing else will fill that void, no matter how harshly I may cram in mediocre-at-best games.
Yeah now you know better. Ive just been avoiding the mmo and rpg genres in general after the beta weekend. Caught up on Uncharted...Diablo 3 soon to fill the time and another beta weekend this month hopefully.
Yeah, between Tribes, D3, and GW2 BWEs I should have enough content until actual release. I still have a few things on my PS3 I should get back to, but don't really feel like current gen console gaming is what I want to play. Been having more fun playing NES/SNES/Genesis games lately.

Edit : And PS1 RPG's, like FF7,8,9, Chrono Cross, Lunar, etc.
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