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GW2 If you can see it, it's there.

Falkner Blitz

New member
So we've all heard this (from many game developers in fact) but it really is amazing to what level Arena Net has taken this statement. Here's some food for thought. Anyone else do anything like this?

note: unfortunately that's not my character :(
I did do something like this in the Charr are but didn't take pictures.... :oops:

Slightly off-topic, but I've decided that when I move I'm going to make Guild Wars screenshot recreation photos. Because jeebus does so much of this game look like Iceland.
I love this screenshot example. I spent an hour trying to reach a peak while Zakis was AFK in BWE 1

Which actually makes me really happy with the amount of jumping you can do to get places. Unlike WoW's stance of no walling. LAME
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