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Inside Twistedatoms Personal Bubble


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I posted a picture of myself in the "Post your face" thread but I thought I would just do a bit more in depth post about me to help everyone get to know me.

My real name is Adam Gilmore. (Happy Gilmore!!!! anyone remember that movie) I was born and raised in Oklahoma Yeee-Haww! I don't think I will ever go back there though. I will never miss the 6 weeks straight of 100+ degrees and like 50% humidity. but that is where most of my family if from there as well.

I attended a Private college down in Texas called Southwestern Adventist University(SWAU) for around 3 years trying to get my Bach in Computer Science , but honestly I just suck at school. So I left school and moved to Arizona (ThatOneGuy didn't you say you were from here) to take care of my big sister who was in a bad place. Lived there for about a year and that is where my wife and I met AWWWW.

You're probably still wondering, "How the hell did this guy end up in Alaska?" well that is really due to my wife. She was originally from Alaska so we said 'ah what the hell lets go back'. so I have lived in Valdez, AK for almost 6 1/2 years I believe, and been married almost that long. I have twin 4 year olds and a 2 year old, all boys so my house is always very loud so my headset is muted all the time! I am a foster parent and that is how I was lucky enough to get the twins. we received them when they were 11 months old and adopted them just after they turned 2 years of age, and our 2 year old is our own birth child :)

I have always been a computer guy at heart since I got my first machine at age 13. Good old Tandy machine.... Hangman I miss you :( . That is pretty much what I spend all my free time doing. whether it be computer gaming or just computer projects. I recently learned to program in the past couple of years. and now I can do some pretty cool stuff with PHP, HTML, CSS, and some JavaScript. I self taught programming and a lot of other skillz. Do a lot of work with server virtualization and actually pioneered the implementation of it here at my company. I am a System/Network Administrator for a local telephone company here in Alaska, and I do love my job very much.

I recently found out that I have had a birth defect and had to have a kidney removed about 8 weeks ago. :( bye little guy. Lefty is going to miss you... One of the best things is that it was a robotic laparoscopic surgery so now I can say I was officially probed by a robot YES! but I say this because it sparked a new interest of mine. In the middle of my kidney crisis I went all health nut and started running and found I really like it. Been doing a bunch of 5k races and hope to be doing longer distance ones by the end of the summer.

(Anchorage Color Run 15k People)

you guys are really about knowing people and I like that so here is my attempt to try and let everyone know a little bit more about me, and there is obviously a lot about myself i didn't say. So you will have to quiz me!
Does only having 1 kidney mean you have to dialysis once in awhile or is that only after your final 1 starts acting up?

When your recoup is done, do you expect to keep doing 5K's or attempt something different?
Does only having 1 kidney mean you have to dialysis once in awhile or is that only after your final 1 starts acting up?

When your recoup is done, do you expect to keep doing 5K's or attempt something different?

I do not have to do any Dialysis with one kidney. as long as I am taking care of the other one. can't take too much medicine like aspirin and so on because that is all hard on kidneys. Nor should I play football or boxing :(

I am already running. the recoup time after that robotic surgery is only 6 weeks. It is amazing what they can do when they only make small incisions. instead of one big cut they made 6 small incisions and so they heal really quickly.
there is a half marathon in my town at the end of the summer that I am trying to train up for.
Yep, I'm from Arizona. Born and raised, never lived anywhere else. This summer sucks though.[DOUBLEPOST=1372871954,1372871910][/DOUBLEPOST]There is another zonie here among our ranks. He lives on the other side of town and we haven't met up yet though.
Yep, I'm from Arizona. Born and raised, never lived anywhere else. This summer sucks though.[DOUBLEPOST=1372871954,1372871910][/DOUBLEPOST]There is another zonie here among our ranks. He lives on the other side of town and we haven't met up yet though.

Except he's now in Alaska and has his very own timezone from everyone else. Which means he can see Russia from his backyard.
Thanks for sharing! I would love to visit AK, but I can't imagine visiting. My wife wants to move to MN, and that's more than enough cold for me.
This was great! Thank you very much for sharing. Seems you have had some interesting life twists and continue to power through.
Great intro man!
It's amazing how well kidneys can compensate; you need to lose I think like 75-90% of kindey function before dialysis is needed (might want to fact check that, sheerly from memory)
I'm liking this guy already! Not because he knows a lot about telephone companies and that he even works at one. Okay maybe that's a really bad lie, I need some techie friends!

Lefty is going to miss you... One of the best things is that it was a robotic laparoscopic surgery so now I can say I was officially probed by a robot YES!
What I actually got from it: "A robot was inside me". Well yeah I kinda AM jealous. *killme*
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