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Is the female character design in MGS5 overly sexist? [Semi NSFW]


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Is the female character design in MGS5 overly sexist?

There is a character design doing the rounds from the upcoming Metal Gear Solid 5 which has got a lot of tongues wagging with the industry veterans.

Apparently this darling young lady is called Quiet and is coming to your screens in MGS5, why she is wearing this outfit is anyone’s guess but according to the developer he wanted to add some more sexiness to the characters in Metal Gear Solid 5.
Now I’m all for sexy but even I think this is going a little bit over the top for a game such as MGS

Now maybe there is a logical reason for her to have split tights, virtually no top and a strippers g-string but for the life of me I can’t see what it is.
Check out some of the tweets the reveal has been getting.

[Update] Darryn has been doing his investigative job and has found this image that he is nicknaming Metal DAYUUUUUUUM

Tags: boobs, Metal Gear Solid 5, Quiet, Sexist
Who cares man, why do we get so worked up over this shit. Yeah, it's over the top, but it's a free country. I'm getting a little sick of some of the Victorian era repression of the human form that seems to be going on lately. Sorry, just realized this isn't in the 'Rants' section.
Who cares man, why do we get so worked up over this shit. Yeah, it's over the top, but it's a free country. I'm getting a little sick of some of the Victorian era repression of the human form that seems to be going on lately. Sorry, just realized this isn't in the 'Rants' section.

Rant away brotha. My issue is not that video games depict women in scantily clad clothing because it is a freedom of expression my issue personally is because it is done to cater to the demographic raised by western culture that makes nudity and female form such a tabu.
Rant away brotha. My issue is not that video games depict women in scantily clad clothing because it is a freedom of expression my issue personally is because it is done to cater to the demographic raised by western culture that makes nudity and female form such a tabu.
Yeah. I think working in a female dominated profession has burned me out a bit on the whole 'objectification' dichotomy. If it was a a rambo looking dude without a shirt wearing torn up pants it would be totally cool, but since it's a woman people are up in arms. Did anyone ask the model if she was feeling objectified? If you don't like it, that's fine, don't look at it. I just wish we would stop making a big deal out of these things. People also need to realize that no press is bad press, and by blowing this up they are likely only going to increase sales.
Europe vs America. Biggest difference in objectifying. Can't objectify something you don't already put a ridiculous amount of pressure on.

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Not as bad as Dragons Crown
I think it's absurd from a game design standpoint, not moral, which is whole other ball of wax.

Metal Gear is basically a spy/war sim. It's gritty and dark and has a lot of realism, giant mechs and telekenesis notwithstanding.

Compare to the latest Lara Croft:

Sexy as anything, but in a believable way. The mega-babe at the top is more like the tongue in cheek stuff you see in Duke Nukem. I didn't see Metal Gear as a franchise that was going that route. If they want to go there, fine. But they can't portray the rest of the game as realism, and not expect THAT to be jarring.
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