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Life after bw3


New member
Its monday morning.....sadness is here in the aftermath of a fantastic beta weekened.
Back to late night ranting of boredom and endless rounds of blacklight.

Anyone have any exciting plans, games, or just overall idea of something we as a guild can do.
If it involves gerbils and snake charming morocco men....seen it already. Still trying to get rid of those mental images.
(if your confused, go to the forum called get your beta keys)
Honestly I'm down to start a GW1 guild and do some Faction Arenas or whatever they were. We can practice teamwork and stuff there, and I just want to play SOMETHING that isn't a shooter. :(
Honestly I'm down to start a GW1 guild and do some Faction Arenas or whatever they were. We can practice teamwork and stuff there, and I just want to play SOMETHING that isn't a shooter. :(

Nope. 1 month to get work done. Then it will all stop :)
I plan on building spreadsheets for all the professions that you plug in Auction House prices and it will tell you the mats cost of any given item and what mats you should use to make it the cheapest. I got a month so it should be doable. (yes Gyoin, I will post them on the forum so everyone in the guild can have it if they want)

I've been off WoW for over a year and a half with no game that I have stuck with for more than a month so the time off will be ok as far as games go. I watch a ton of movies and tv so I should start up that review blog I have been thinking about.
Personally only thing I got game wise thats close to interesting is re playing Dragon Age Origins and #2. Play em through on Nightmare to make em last long enough and be a challenge lol, everything else just seems boring atm.. damn you guild wars 2 lol. But was looking at Aika and Dungeons and Dragons online today, never actually played either of them. But Aika does looking interesting, seems like 3 faction based pvp with some RvR, might give it a go myself to keep busy.
Just playing some Skyrim, and reading up on crafting charts and theorycrafting engineer builds until launch. When my new computer comes though I will spend some time making sure I have everything installed and ready for playing/video editing/streaming.
Editing all the footage together from the weekend and slowly rolling it out a vid a day :) Oh and RL shit too.
I remember trying to log on Monday morning....and was so sad when I was locked out once again :( Just going to work and getting prepared for the epic-ness.
Yea this sucks... I think I am just going to do a ton of blog posts because I have been slacking. Hopefully it will also make up for the blog posts that I will not be doing starting August 25th lol. No other game seems appealing to me now!
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