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Logan's Application

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Gertrude Stein

New member

Age (must be 18+)

Do you have any friends in the guild? If so, who?
No. But I have a beard. And this makes me already feel closer to everyone.

Main Character
Human Thief

Character Name



What role do you wish to play in the guild? For example: PvP, PvE, Casual/Social
I would probably be considered more of a casual player, but I enjoy PvP and PvE equally for the most part. Having spent fairly little time with MMOs I feel I haven't had the chance to burn myself out on either. I enjoy the genre, but I can say that GW2 is the first one I've really been 'excited' for in quite some time.

Which previous MMO's or online games have you played and how long for?
SWTOR [3 months], WoW [1 year], Rift [4 months], Aion [2 months]

Were you a part of a guild? What was your experience?
I have been in a few. I generally just want to have fun and tell the most offensive, yet classy, jokes I can muster. A good guild is one of the greatest feels in gaming.

Having said that, I do have a competitive spirit when it's appropriate.

How did you hear about the Guild?
I actually ran across a few YouTube videos, which led me to a few of your web casts. You all seem like a good group of dudes and dudettes.

What will you bring to the ALTTABME community? (Chatty? Skilled? Funny? Helping?)
I have no idea how skilled I'll be, but I catch on exceptionally quick to most things, and if I die, it will be graceful with a hint of pizazz.

Humor is a large factor. I enjoy a good group of cynical folks to share a chat room with. Sarcasm and charm have got me pretty far.

I get that warm fuzzy feeling whenever I am able to help as well. Support goes a long way in being a part of the overall community. I enjoy that aspect greatly.

In addition to that, I role an art director by day for an ad agency. You may be asking what this means... Good design if/when requested. I've enjoyed helping my guilds in the past establish an identity and tone whether than be in the form of websites, swag or identity systems.

Will Arcanix be the only guild you join?
I'm not a huge fan of splitting my responsibilities among other groups. It let's me focus those who accepted me with open arms. Assuming they have arms. If not, open legs? I don't know how an arm-less person accept someone otherwise?

Is there anything else you would like to throw in here at the end?
I like gaming. I game quite a bit. You'll probably enjoy my company. Even if you don't, I'll never take it personally. I'll never talk about religion, politics or equal rights. Really just looking for a cool group of people to be cool with while doing cool things in a cool game.

For now, I have to get back to the Steam Summer sale to see if there is anything else I can lighten my wallet with to tide me over until the 25th of next month.

**EDIT** I suppose it's worth mentioning here that I spent the better part of 2006-2007 playing Halo 2 in the amateur MLG brackets. This en-grained in me the ability to understand and adapt on-the-fly in a team-oriented environment. It gave me the capacity to not only step-up and lead [when appropriate], but more importantly, follow a well-laid strategy as the tides shifted. I find this to be invaluable as I have stepped into other games. The gameplay mechanics may not be directly applicable, but the provided understanding of the landscape, is.
I dunno. I get the whole casual laid back approach, but man I see no backbone, no flair. I NEED MORE DAMMIT! It is like, yes I can go to dunkin donuts and get coffee, I know the coffee is there, but OH SHIT WHAT?? AN OREO DONUT WHAT THE FUCK.. ROCKED MY WORLD. Tell me about your Oreo Donut.
My oreo donut would have been eaten before I even took the time to look at it. My willpower is disgustingly lacking when it comes to Oreos.

But, no fear, I have a refined palette and I can give you the ingredients as consumption was underway. Why don't you come along with me for a short story and we'll see what this donut has to offer.

Logan: Is that an Oreo donut?
Clerk: Ye...
[donut enters mouth-hole]
Logan's brain: Oh, chocolate wafers. This is expected. And what's this? Seems to have some kind of filling. That's Kraft Macaroni and Cheese! But something is filling the void of the pasta? Pop-Tart Strawberry paste filling? My god ... this may be the mo ... wait a minute ... sausage lines the strawberry seeds of the paste?! Hormel Italian Sausage. How did they fit ... Shit, I'm getting another one. A Band-Aid band-aid?!

Someone here must be injured ...

Logan: Clerk, are you injured?
Clerk: No.
Logan: ... it's ... it's delicious!

[Neither Kraft, Pop-Tart, Hormel or Band-Aid put me up to this. To protect the integrity of those involved, all persons in this story are fictional and any relation to actual events are purely coincidental. Except my character and the way I ate that donut. I'm pretty proud of that part.]

*Reading this about 30 minutes after I posted it. Not funny. Which I find funny. Because science-fiction.*
Additionally, my game is purchased, so you can save yourself that beta key. I see that has been the objective of a few of these applications.

And I use Astros for headset and am familiar with Mumble's more intimate curves. Like its scrotum's. I have a great deal of respect for the ears of my companions...

And their scrotums, or lack of their scrotums.
Huh. I laughed at the oreo donut story. Then he said it was not funny. But I laughed. /soconfused

+1 on my end tho. Seems like a guy we will have to get to know to fully appreciate his existence.
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