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Magic 2014


Jesus Freak
I've been playing Magic 2014 on my iPad for a week or two. I've completed the campaign and revenge modes and am working on unlocking the decks I want to use.

So far, I like the Chany of the Mul Daya best. It's based around getting tons of land out as fast as possible and then using Eldrazi cards with annihilator to completely devastate the opponent. I've unlocked that whole deck and have a decent multiplayer record.

I'm trying to unlock the Blue/Black control deck. That was used against me several times. So frustrating to play against, so I figure it must be fun to play.

I'm also interested in trying the Sliver deck and the Plains decks.

Who else is still playing this? And do we have to be on the same OS to play?
I know Otakebi and I played a bit. We both played on steam though...
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