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MaximTheRaven's Application

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New member
Eri (Pronounced Eddie) Guzman

Age (must be 18+)

Where are you from? (timezone)
New Jersey, USA (Eastern Timezone)

Do you have any friends who are Members? If so, who?
None I haven't met outside of Wildstar Central and here.

Character Name(s)
Maximire Graves (On guildwars 2)

What games do you wish to play with the alttabme community?
Wildstar, Guildwars 2, Planetside 2, Minecraft.

Class/Race(if applicable)
Human Warrior

What role do you wish to play in the guild? For example: PvP, PvE, Casual/Social
PVP, PVE Tanking, All casual and happy-spirited.

Which previous MMO's or online games have you played and how long for?
Guild Wars 2 (since release),
Tera (5mo on and off)
Minecraft (vanilla since release on my own server.)
WoW (Since 2006)
Aion (June 2012 - Dec 2012)

Were you a part of a guild? What was your experience?
Yes, in all but Minecraft. I enjoy playing and progressing with friends, and I'm often talking on Skype when running instances with them. It was fun, I like making people laugh.

How did you hear about the AltTabMe?
tr1age saw my status on Wildstar Central where I was looking for a casual, fun guild that did alot of community events, not to mention podcasts and streams. I was all for it, really. He referred me to the site, where I started to do alot of reading and a day or so's worth of lurking.

What will you bring to the ALTTABME community? (Chatty? Skilled? Funny? Helping?)
I'd like to say I'm a quick thinker when it comes to jokes, I'm not exactly a comedian, but I find joy in making people laugh. I also love being helpful whenever I can, and to that purpose I tend to read up on my class and what I'm supposed to be doing alot.

How much time do you spend a week on games?
Entirely too much time, I often spend a good several hours online a day as long as it doesn't interfere with my life.

Is there anything else you would like to throw in here at the end?
I'm also part bird.

Have you finished all of the prerequisite requirements?
Yes (I read and replied to the rules, I understand I must be active on the forums to stay on the roster, and I have a minimum of 1-2 posts(other than this application), and I made sure those posts weren't just bullshit)
Hmm... This one is a little tougher than usual actually. I like your vibe, but remember that there's no rush to our application process! We prefer people spend more than one day getting to know others before applying.

That said, I will vote for a deny- but reapply after you get to know MORE people of the site. Hang out on mumbles, post around a bit more, and enjoy yourself :) But I do like what I see so far!
Hmm... This one is a little tougher than usual actually. I like your vibe, but remember that there's no rush to our application process! We prefer people spend more than one day getting to know others before applying.

That said, I will vote for a deny- but reapply after you get to know MORE people of the site. Hang out on mumbles, post around a bit more, and enjoy yourself :) But I do like what I see so far!

Ah, I should have known. Haha, I got ahead of myself and became perhaps a little overexcited about finding awesome people to play with. If I get denied altogether, I'll perhaps reapply again in a few weeks of solid activity.
Ah, I should have known. Haha, I got ahead of myself and became perhaps a little overexcited about finding awesome people to play with. If I get denied altogether, I'll perhaps reapply again in a few weeks of solid activity.
Ahh, I tried to make is as sugar coated as possible to not make it hurt! <3

We just like to make sure that 1. The person fits into the community and 2. The person enjoys the community. That's hard to tell after only a few hours. But you're already blending in nicely, so just give it some time :)
I agree, stick around, give it a little time and then reapply. Its good having you around already though!
I am going to leave this open. No deny with a re-apply. Just an open application so you can add more, participate more, and then we can make a final decision. I do believe so far you will fit in nicely though, so for what it is I am a +1 as long as you understand we are bigger than ONE game :)
I am going to leave this open. No deny with a re-apply. Just an open application so you can add more, participate more, and then we can make a final decision. I do believe so far you will fit in nicely though, so for what it is I am a +1 as long as you understand we are bigger than ONE game :)

Of course! It's why I put down more than one game for the "What games do you wish to play with [us]" question. I'd love to play something that doesn't involve me having to aim down the barrel of a gun.

I'm -terrible- at FPS's.

Except with a bow on minecraft, for some reason I'm a freaking sniper.
We do play a lot of FPS's as a pick up game. But we also have a lot of people playing games like MC, Cube World, Smite, LoL, etc. as well as who knows how many F2P MMO's
Ok apparently someone decided to do a Denie and Re-apply before I got to it. So yeah just so we know when you think it is time again for us to assess, throw in another app. :) But Like I said, I really think you will be a good fit.
Ok apparently someone decided to do a Denie and Re-apply before I got to it. So yeah just so we know when you think it is time again for us to assess, throw in another app. :) But Like I said, I really think you will be a good fit.
WASN'T ME. I blame Zakis.
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