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Wildstar Medic POV GA Boss guide


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This was on the front page today of reddit, it's a link to 2ARC and their Medic posted a fairly detailed guide. It's a good read if anything.


In this guide I will go over my builds and tactics for the bosses inside the Genetic Archives. This information may not be the best way to do things but it is what I have personally found to work the best after many hours of raiding. I wrote this with the mind that the reader already has a basic understanding of each boss fight. I will not go into too much detail about mechanics, it will focus more on what you should be doing and where. You can follow this information to the T or take it and build upon it. This information will change over time as patches are released and abilities are reworked. You should always be thinking of ways to do bosses more efficiently. Strive for perfection. (The abilities in the WS-Base builds are not listed in any particular order)
Click LAS image for link



Medic healing is all about proper positioning. We are right in the thick of things with the melee and while this makes the class unique and incredibly fun to heal on standing even one meter to close could mean death. On X-89 the tanks are away from the rest of the raid who are stacked up behind the boss. You should be standing within healing range of the tank but as close to the raid as possible. You can heal both the tank and spin around and heal raid as well. Make sure to never get to close to the tank or boss or you will get hit by shockwave. When you get small bombs place them back behind the raid and for big bombs just make sure you get off the platforms. I usually am able to make it over to where the rest of the raid is dropping them w/o a problem. If you can’t run as far away as possible to make sure it won’t cause any problems.

He generally spews behind where he was facing so you have ample time to gauge which direction you need to move to avoid it. You want to try and save Urgency for the times when you get small bomb and he decides to spew right where you are standing. If it is a pull that is taking a long time and there aren’t many platforms left and you can’t be beside the tank anymore you are going to have to very carefully move in and out between shockwaves to get some surges on the tank. Very carefully, if you die because of this at this phase prepare for the salt.

This is a slight variation of a basic bread and butter LAS. There is no need for a stun so I replaced it with Dual Shock for some extra healing. Be careful about using Dual Shock though because if used on cool down it will cause you to run low on focus fast. You could replace Dual shock with Recharge if your gear is low on Focus regen but if you have the proper amps which I will cover later you shouldn't need it. I run Field Probes to help with raid healing. I drop it down on after Shouts. It isn’t really needed but at no focus cost it isn't hurting anything. On Spews when you are running with the raid use Mending Probes and Flash to help out the other healers.



For this fight it should ideally be the main tank, the medic healer and maybe another healer on one side with the rest of the raid stacked on the other side. During the pillar phase you just circle the boss on the tank side avoiding vileness and keeping shields up on the tank. As long as the tank isn't a shitlord and avoids vileness it will be extremely easy to keep him full. When she ports to the pillar you will get blinded, just keep moving and avoid the lasers, vileness and the telegraph coming from the center. Once she is stunned she will port back and people will begin coming back from the pillars. Feel free to toss them a few heals as they run back to position. Sometimes some of them forget where they are supposed to be and stand with the tank. This is bad and you should tell them to move ASAP. They will cause more vileness to spawn on the tank increasing his chance to get hit by it and if there is enough people they can eat the heals. If for some reason you are separated from the tank and need to get to the other side you can just run through right where she is standing.

After the pillar phase its gets hectic. People are spread everywhere and vileness is still trying to fuck you. It can become really easy to lose sight of the tank so make sure the Main and off tanks are set to focus. It is still your job first and foremost to keep the tank alive. You should also be healing anyone in range keeping an eye on those who were egged as they will take constant damage. During the outbreaks run behind pillars and heal up everyone that is hiding with you. If at all possible try to run behind one where there isn't a healer already but don’t go to much trouble trying to accomplish this. Keep everyone in range healed up and prepare to stun an egg if you are needed.

This is just a standard LAS with Recharge because you will be healing almost the entirety of this fight.



This is easily the most stressful fight for us as healers. On this fight you will venture towards the wall with the tank. The positioning is very tricky. You are going to want to always make sure you are to the right of the tank because this will put you closer to the boss allowing you to circle a bit quicker. This is mandatory because if you ever end up to the left of the tank (closer to the wall) you will likely get caught in the laser blast. Be moving back and slightly to the right the entire bomb phase. You also need to have some situational awareness as to where the generators are. If the tank is right on the wall you will need to dodge the generators because RNG can drop a flower on you and leave you with no place to go. The tank shouldn’t be that far back but if he is keep a lookout. After each bomb phase toss a few heals if needed but getting back focus is priority while avoiding the telegraphs and throwing in the canisters. Then stack up and prepare to rinse and repeat. After each phase make sure you are stacked and looking to see if you are the one that has been given the shield. If so make sure everyone is stacked and bring it down.

This fight is the only fight I would consider bringing Protection Probes. While it is a great ability it gets overridden by warriors Defensive Grid. On this fight since you are off away from everyone it’s a great time to bust it out.

You are going to want to get the tanks shield full for every Laser blast. It is hard to time but it is doable. Barrier is clutch for Phagemaw. If you find yourself with no actuators and no Energize with bombs about to go off Barrier could be the difference between a wipe and a kill. Timing Protection Probes is tricky and to be honest I am still working on this myself. The idea is to make sure you have it off cd when the bomb phase ends. I find myself using it when we are low and I know there are bombs about to go off and sometimes it isn’t up for the end of the phase. MP + Flash are used in to top off hp and at the end of the phase if needed. It’s not a bad idea to toss MP on at the end of bomb phase as it will save you from dying then throw a Flash when he lifts off to start getting the hp back.


On this fight you just want to be in range of your tank. You don’t want to be standing on him because you will cause more borers to spawn on his position. At the start break chains. I get chained more often than not so just expect it and you won’t be surprised. Follow the tanks as they move into position. If you get sucked into Singularity you can stay in and heal or Urgency out and back to your tank. If you decide to stay in stack with the group in there and all move one direction to avoid borers. DO NOT stand off by yourself. Avoid waves and if you can just jump into the circles after the slam. If you get pulled into color room find your color ASAP and double jump your way to it. Once you are out run back to your tank while dropping the green circles behind the boss for your dps while also avoiding borers. That’s pretty much the fight. Make sure you heal the tank but ALWAYS be on the lookout for ways to maneuver to hit more than one person with all abilities. When the commander comes be close so you can stun Forced Production.

Same build I use on Kuralak. Don’t let people die if you can help it and GG


The combinations of bosses in this fight change each week. There are still combinations that no one in the world has seen yet. Obviously I will not be talking about those as I have not done them yet. The positioning on this fight is fairly easy. Each healer is assigned a tank who is assigned a boss. At the start you will run with your tank to position.

Noxmind - You want to keep Noxmind between you and the other bosses. If Ersoth is in the rotation that week you need to keep a constant eye on him so that if you end up between him and Noxmind you can position yourself in a way that you can still heal but are ready to move if he targets Ersoth with waves. The moment you think you are in a good spot and start to cast SS on the tank he will drop an eye right on top of you. Happens every time. For Noxminds mid phase you will be assigned a position NW, NE, SW, SE. Get to it and top off anyone there. Scan the other positions to see if anyone is near death if so try to help them out. After the phase get back to position and continue to avoid waves. You will do this until Noxmind is dead. You will never leave your tank unless its mid phase or you are avoiding something.

Golgox – If you are healing Golgox you will need to watch for waves and avoid being too close to the tank and getting hit by the cleave. You may or may not need to stack with the group for slams so listen for direction. In Golgoxs mid phase you may be assigned an IA group. As soon as this phase starts everyone needs to stack ideally behind the boss. With eye positioning this needs to remain flexible as you will not always be able to do so. Heal everyone through the burst damage and be ready to interrupt when it’s your turn. After the mid phase find your tank

Ersoth – Ersoth is not tanked. He floats around the room dropping telegraphs under him. Avoid them and as I said before keep an eye out where he is because if Noxmind is up he may get waves. If your CC break is down make sure you stack on the dips if you are going to be tethered so they can burn it down. His mid phase you get out of the circle on the floor and wait for him to subdue you. Grab your weapon and heal people up while you run toward the center avoiding the telegraphs. When you are supposed to interrupt do so. After the mid phase find your tank.

Vratorg – Ideally as a medic you won’t be healing on Vratorg. SS can cause him to spawn spores. For his mid phase there really isn’t much for healers to do except top everyone off and right click your heart out. I personally dislike this phase very much because I feel useless. If you see that the dps are cutting it very close to getting the shield down stack up and prepare to attempt healing through the damage. As always after the mid phase find your tank.

Terax – I have only seen Terax once and I didn’t heal it so as far as what you need to do on him I will not comment. His mid phase however is another phase where we as healers don’t really have much to do. Just heal the dps around you and right click the adds to do some damage. After the mid phase find your tank.

If Ersoth is up you must run a cc break. If he isn’t you can change that Dual Shock for the extra healing and damage on the adds. Field Probes is great on Golgox’s mid phase. The 20% to healing received really helps. Recharge could be swapped out for Barrier if focus isn’t an issue. Barrier can be used on the occasions when the telegraphs cause you to run out of healing range of the tank.



The first 6-8 minutes of Ohmna are easy if not boring. As the tank healer you drop down in position on the southernmost platform with the tank. I stand to the left of the tank but you could stand on either side. Knowing your cardinal directions is key to this fight. You will be assigned a position during the add phase which you need to get to ASAP. It will either be NE, NW, SE, and SW. This phase will begin after the 2nd and 4th spew. During those spews you need to be looking at the minimap while running around the platforms and once you gone past the spew start point run to the edge of the platform to where your position is. It’s that simple. If you ever find yourself lost just take a second to face your character north and get your bearings. During the add phase take a quick look at the members you are with and make sure that they are who they are supposed to be. If you are either lost or gained someone call it out immediately. It’s easier for us to as healers to pay attention to this as we are already looking at the hp bars. After the add phases run to the SW and get ready to get back on the platforms after the erupt. In the famous words of Tainted, “Be on a line.” That is in case she erupts again you will not be hit and flung back. She will erupt at different points throughout the fight. As the tank healer it isn’t a good idea to stay stacked for this because you don’t know when they are going to happen, she may decide to get bored with the tank and if you are stacked she will kill you off as well. Just keep a weathered eye on the ground for when she is casting Erupt and get in position. After 15% you enter the maw phase. You will again be assigned a position which you need to get to immediately after the spew. Once in position at the maw you will need to maneuver to make sure the tank is hit with Shield Surge. Everyone is stacked so sometimes the heals with not hit the tank. You only ever have to move a significant distance when the tank is going to be slammed. When that happens move to the edge of the platform so you can hit him with heals. You will get 2 spews during the maw phase unless DPS is kicking ass. After the phase everyone will stack on the Northern most point of the platforms except you and the tank. You will move South, but no directly south. The tank will be directly south so you should be a bit west of him. You want to be about 20m away from him at the start. That way you are well out of the slam and he doesn’t have to run a far distance to get some heals. You avoid the slams with the tank and when spew comes run away from it. You have to keep yourself and the tank up during this which is tricky because you will want to sprint to avoid spew but you have to heal as well since you will be taking damage from standing in the purple stuff. Hopefully at this point Ohmna will be at a few % and you won’t have to do it very much longer. Just keep the tank and yourself up and she should be dead shortly.

The build is standard except for Magnetic Lockdown. This is taken so you can help root the adds during add phase. You want to make sure to save your interrupt for add phase but if you know you still have slams and spew before it starts you can throw on Devour or if tentacles are up and about to destroy a platform use it then. You can get exactly two Emissions between slams. Cast two then wait until the slam telegraph is about 3/5ths full then cast Shield Surge, if you time it properly it will go off right after the slam hits making it look like the tank didn’t even take damage. Use Recharge while running from spews and use that time to get back to full actuators. During the add phase maneuver to try and get the whole group in your SS. If you can do this it’s the only heal you should need to cast. If you need some burst use MP+Flash. For maw phase just heal like there is no tomorrow. Make sure you have your stun for Devours. Last phase be careful not Urgency out of range to heal the tank when running from the spew.


This is the backbone of my builds. Running on Empty and Attrition speak for themselves. I love having Emp Aura because crit is good for everyone. Alot of fights have the raid split into groups so its good to run the aura. I dont get focus regen because .3 regen is not worth 3 AMP points and I also don't feel like its needed with RoE and Attrition. Reboot is mandatory. Armor Coating is worth more HPS per point than the other tier 2 AMPS and I have Emergency because its a good Oh shit proc.

The only fight I dont currently run that build on is Phagemaw and thats because I'm running Protection Probes. This build may be a bit rough depending on gear level. If you are having focus problems You could drop Hypercharge and a point in Crit Hit % to get Max Shield and Attrition.

Thank you for reading this guide. It is still a work in progress and I am still tweaking builds when I think of something that may work better. All of these builds have been used to kill their respective bosses but that doesn't mean they cant be improved upon. I hope that I have passed on some knowledge and you can use this information to better yourself as a Medic healer. Please feel free to leave comments and suggestions. If anyone has done anything differently I would love to hear about it. This information is current as of the Strain drop.

Credits and many thanks to MrNyxis for the graphics

great guide but i feel it's general spec has too much focus regen... maybe thats just how i set up my gear. not sure.
I'm sitting at 4.5 FRR/sec just so I don't think I'll even pick up recharge, I do like the idea of running field probes to help boost along the other healers.. Would love if he had done some videos to go with the guide though.
i just mentioned that due to the fact i redid my build for silver dungeons to remove regen due to armor specials being really strong. if you get the crafted healing head and shoulders the specials do most of the focus regen for you.
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