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GW2 mesmer speed boost


New member
Does mesmer have an activatable speed boost like other classes? I know we have the signet with the passive of random boons that gives speed but thats only in combat it seems.
doesnt the focus throw a line on the ground you run through. that pretty much works the same as ranger warhorn giving everyone around swiftness.
Thanks, that makes sense since I have not used a focus in my 76 levels haha. Just checked it out today, kinda stinks its on a weapon like that makes the focus weak.
Thanks, that makes sense since I have not used a focus in my 76 levels haha. Just checked it out today, kinda stinks its on a weapon like that makes the focus weak.

The focus is my WvW and regular PvE weapon of choice. The Pistol is my Dungeon Weapon of choice. And offhand sword is quickly becoming my sPvP weapon of choice.

The line also pulls enemies to it, can reflect projectiles with points put into it. Very strong combo imo.
I guess to be fair, I havent actually tried it, so really cant knock it. I have been using staff / sword - pistol for wvw. So your running sword - focus? Maybe I will give it a shot, more then once I got destroyed due to lack of speed and an angry mob lol.
The focus is my WvW and regular PvE weapon of choice. The Pistol is my Dungeon Weapon of choice. And offhand sword is quickly becoming my sPvP weapon of choice.

The line also pulls enemies to it, can reflect projectiles with points put into it. Very strong combo imo.
Really, the #4 on focus is not the problem with the offhand, it is a great skill like Tristan said.

The speed buff is absolutely wonderful. The void mechanic is so useful it hurts... Knockdown, interrupt, space-control... badassery.

The problem with Focus in general is that the #5 creates a bubble to protect allies, but it is STATIONARY... really quite hard to be forced to stand in it's bubble. The concept of being stagnant in a game that promotes movement and dodging just doesn't gel.
Really, the #4 on focus is not the problem with the offhand, it is a great skill like Tristan said.

The speed buff is absolutely wonderful. The void mechanic is so useful it hurts... Knockdown, interrupt, space-control... badassery.

The problem with Focus in general is that the #5 creates a bubble to protect allies, but it is STATIONARY... really quite hard to be forced to stand in it's bubble. The concept of being stagnant in a game that promotes movement and dodging just doesn't gel.

I actually love that idea. Infinite reflect bubble perfect for ranged attackers :D
Really, the #4 on focus is not the problem with the offhand, it is a great skill like Tristan said.

The speed buff is absolutely wonderful. The void mechanic is so useful it hurts... Knockdown, interrupt, space-control... badassery.

The problem with Focus in general is that the #5 creates a bubble to protect allies, but it is STATIONARY... really quite hard to be forced to stand in it's bubble. The concept of being stagnant in a game that promotes movement and dodging just doesn't gel.

They are amazing to be stationary. You can use them to protect yourself. Just stand behind it and bam PROTECTION! And a cool rave at teh same time!
I actually love that idea. Infinite reflect bubble perfect for ranged attackers :D
The problem with #5 (unless I'm mistaken, I only really started on my mesmer last night) is that it also has to be targeted on an enemy. So you create a bubble near a bad guy, but ranged would have to run to get into it. If you could place it, or the phantasm appeared next to you, I'd <3 it a lot more. #4 focus is amazingly fun.

P.S. - smallest height female Charr mesmer FTW.
I'm a huge fan of the focus actually.

After I've closed with my opener on the sword I place a curtain behind the enemy, activate it again to pull them away, swap to my staff and I have instant distance for kiting. :)
They are amazing to be stationary. You can use them to protect yourself. Just stand behind it and bam PROTECTION! And a cool rave at teh same time!


Somehow I have a feeling this guy is at a "cool rave" but is about to get pushed over and taken advantage of? o_O
Back on the mesmer speed talk and less on the guys Apoth would do talk, Compounding Celerity, a adept trait in the inspiration line, allows you to run faster for each active illusion. Its probably not what you want, but you could probably easily chase down someone, in lets say pvp, by putting up clones and just chasing him. Of course it isn't really something that can be used to move faster across the map.

It is still a mesmer speed boost tho.
Back on the mesmer speed talk and less on the guys Apoth would do talk, Compounding Celerity, a adept trait in the inspiration line, allows you to run faster for each active illusion. Its probably not what you want, but you could probably easily chase down someone, in lets say pvp, by putting up clones and just chasing him. Of course it isn't really something that can be used to move faster across the map.

It is still a mesmer speed boost tho.

What's the increase per illusion? If it boosted up to 30% this would be tits.
That trait is not really worth it in getting around. The TP and cripple line is better to catch anyone cept Ellies, you can't catch and elly if she has her cooldowns up :3 Besides in combat you move much much slows ><

My opinion, not telling anyone how to play their mesmer hehe ^^;;;
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