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Wildstar MMORPG.com Donatelli interview

Yea I wasn't expecting so much detail.. long, but full of interesting insight. Interesting to hear about spell slinger and the evolution going from static to sniper to more mobile. There's a mentoring system that meshes with the friend's circle system.. can level down to help others (or play with low level friends) and gain guild influence (xp sounds like).. this game seems to have a huge amount of depth with social systems. Glad they're putting so much focus on it.

It sounds like circles and creation of a guild has been separated as of CBT3.. not sure if this was in the notes. Although influence gained from circles plays a roll in guild leveling (what I got from it).
Gyoin you'll be happy to hear that switching out crafts will lower your craft level. He compared it to selling a used car, you don't get what you paid for it but you're able to do it.
wow, you can do all the fist tier of every crafting before you have to choose one.
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