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My 3,000th Post.


Over Analystical Extreme Gambler
I noticed earlier today that I was close to 3,000 posts on this site. It really isn't a big deal, but then I thought back to the day I signed up for the site and thought "Man, it'll be fun to play with people I played all those years ago with." It was a nice change of pace since I had pretty much stopped played games for a year+ prior to that. Mostly because I had such a hard time finding a job in my field, I felt maybe gaming was holding me back (due to spending too much time on them and maybe not working harder on finding a real job). The week I signed up on TAB, I was offered a job position in my field with a lobster company. Even though I am no longer currently with them, I was glad to have a place to relax after my stressful experiences of starting that job. I've had pretty damn good luck in all venues in my life since then, and I think it was partially because my outlook on life had changed a bit.

I had something constructive to focus on. I wanted to help build something out of (almost) nothing. But I'm terrible at doing that on my own. Tristan gave me an opportunity to help him build TAB, and I just wanted to say the past 15 months has been pretty awesome. Tried out a fuck ton of games with many awesome people. Made a ton of friends who, quite frankly, I treasure more than many of the other people in my life.

I just wanted to do a small thank you on a (kinda) monumental number. Thanks to all of those that want to see [TAB] grow and help it do so. You guys gave me another reason to be happy about who I am and what I do, and I couldn't imagine life without you guys.
Awww...you're such a softie.

I haven't been here long but you're obviously a big part of the heart of this community, so we probably owe you a lot more thanks than you owe us.

Grats on a cool milestone.

I hit 2,000 a few days ago and was feeling kinda the same thing. Just thinking back and was like where has the time gone. So glad to have found this site and you people, and especially you Gyoin.
Aww, I love you too, Bruce! I still feel like the new kid on the block, but you and the other long-time members always make me feel welcome. Here's to many thousands more!
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