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GW2 My BWE3 Warrior Build


New member
Had a couple people ask me what build I was running, so here it is. This builder is a little out of date so some of the traits are on diff tiers but everything is there.


With this build I had 6 sigils of diviinity and had sigil of air on both 2h sword and axe, and sigil of intelligence on the shield.

This build is an example of what I feel the warrior shines at, which is mobility/burst dmg. Not that the warrior cannot perform other roles in sPVP, but I feel like that is his strongest role. If you have any specific questions, let me know.
So just to confirm - that lightning attack you kept on shooting out was from switching weapons (air sigils) ? That was annoying to deal with....it's like ok blocked bullrush, dodged eviscerate, countered 100 blades....WTF you shooting lightning at me now?! o_O

Was lot of fun in our practive duels - definitely have to run that alot once the game comes out.
Yea, I never ran this build against you though. Wished I had, it would have been closer for sure. I was experimenting for a good day before I found this gem. Guardians do suck though, I can get them low but if they have there elite 100% heal and I don't stun them... I'm done for. Usually run away at that point. At least they cant catch me!
Well to be fair, running frenzy bulls charge hb stacking crit dmg is pretty much an all in build. Either you get the burst and grab the kill or you don't. There are counters to every build. Just the current warrior standard is effective on more than half the roster atm. That's why its meta i guess. Just like running toc on guardians.
Yea, I never ran this build against you though. Wished I had, it would have been closer for sure. I was experimenting for a good day before I found this gem. Guardians do suck though, I can get them low but if they have there elite 100% heal and I don't stun them... I'm done for. Usually run away at that point. At least they cant catch me!

I never used my elite in duels :p
But definitely I will say that it is much more fun playing PvP together while talking on mumble than with random strangers in PUGs.
Well to be fair, running frenzy bulls charge hb stacking crit dmg is pretty much an all in build. Either you get the burst and grab the kill or you don't. There are counters to every build. Just the current warrior standard is effective on more than half the roster atm. That's why its meta i guess. Just like running toc on guardians.

Yes and no. Yes this build does shine when you land all your cc, no because I still have more Survivabity than some other classes. Whirlwind/rush/endure pain/balanced stance/shield block will easily keep me up in a 1v1 until my "burst combo" is back up. But yes when it is 3v3 or 4v4 in the middle. My role changes too: burst the squishiest (usually Kali ;p) and then get out of the aoes and dmg and stun/chase runners. No way I can survive all the aoe dmg. However, I can usually run away and Los, either forcing someone to chase and not cap a point or them to cap and I regain health and have another chance at a burst. Love the hit and run play style, forces quick decisions/reflexes!
Yes. I think atm this warrior build is standard on any 5-man team prepping for tournies. The amount of shutdown and pressure this build gives in short duration is so good esp. for spiking down boss mobs on forest of niflhel since the meta seems to be a 3-2/1 split right at start.
Yes. I think atm this warrior build is standard on any 5-man team prepping for tournies. The amount of shutdown and pressure this build gives in short duration is so good esp. for spiking down boss mobs on forest of niflhel since the meta seems to be a 3-2/1 split right at start.

Yea, I am sure over the course of the life of the game metas and builds will change. Btw where were you on mumble? I need a center guardian with me. Guardian/warrior at center is such a strong combo in tournie.
You were definitely a powerhouse in the sPvP with your warrior, I think I only bested you once and that was when I was able to get the jump on you. I'll need to have actual keybinds for release, too damn hard to hit the 8/9/0 key all the way down my keyboard when fighting someone only to hit my 7 key instead lol
You were definitely a powerhouse in the sPvP with your warrior, I think I only bested you once and that was when I was able to get the jump on you. I'll need to have actual keybinds for release, too damn hard to hit the 8/9/0 key all the way down my keyboard when fighting someone only to hit my 7 key instead lol

Yea lol, I can't stand anything bound further away than 5. I usually unbind the turn keys and bind strafe to a/d. That way I can use q/e/z/x/c/v for my utility and elite skills!
You were definitely a powerhouse in the sPvP with your warrior, I think I only bested you once and that was when I was able to get the jump on you. I'll need to have actual keybinds for release, too damn hard to hit the 8/9/0 key all the way down my keyboard when fighting someone only to hit my 7 key instead lol

OMG This is so true - I was struggling with this while we were all doing some PvP on Saturday/Sunday. Friday was much more comfortable while I was using my own PC and the naga.
Yea, I am sure over the course of the life of the game metas and builds will change. Btw where were you on mumble? I need a center guardian with me. Guardian/warrior at center is such a strong combo in tournie.
Sorry lol no mic this weekend its broken and I haven't replaced it yet. Guess I should've went on mumble tho. I agree with that combo for sure. My friends and I usually ran a combo of that warrior build + my hard cc guardian and we continuously win engagements that far outnumber us. Even a support elixer engineer also makes any point uncappable, and just adding a guardian into the mix is pretty much gg. Tourney matches are crazy fun. Def gonna be doing a lot of those come launch.
I need to get with a tournie group... Didn't get a group together during the beta :( I definitely prefer the 5v5 on those maps. More strategy and skill. More 1v1, 1v2, 2v2 and less 5v5 (which is basically... Everyone spam aoe and run around with no focus fire). I would much rather call out targets, coordinate cc, call out incomings.
I need to get with a tournie group... Didn't get a group together during the beta :( I definitely prefer the 5v5 on those maps. More strategy and skill. More 1v1, 1v2, 2v2 and less 5v5 (which is basically... Everyone spam aoe and run around with no focus fire). I would much rather call out targets, coordinate cc, call out incomings.

Once the game releases - we'll do some runs for sure ;)
Yea lol, I can't stand anything bound further away than 5. I usually unbind the turn keys and bind strafe to a/d. That way I can use q/e/z/x/c/v for my utility and elite skills!

This is basically what I've been doing for MMOs cuz I don't have a fancy mouse. Wish they'd make it so your action bar reflected your new keybinds. Generally get used to it in a round or two though. I bound heal to R, and my utilities to Z X C.
Haha. I don't think theres anything wrong with it really. But i might be biased because I was mostly a defensive warrior so it didnt hit me too hard. I watched it from Tristans perspective though and yeah... Idk... Lol lots of qq about it. Might ser a little nerf but im sure they wont break the build.. Hopefully.
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