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My Nostalgic Moment.


Over Analystical Extreme Gambler
So today I was a little bored and perused some of the old sites I used to visit in the old days. Curse, mmo-champion and the sort. I get bored and like to stay at least a little up to date so I can talk to my old friends who still play. Then I saw something that just made me laugh and a little heart broken at the same time.

Tier 15.

Seriously? Tier 15? God damn. I remember wanting Tier 1. REALLY wanting Tier 2. Eventually owning almost all of Tier 4-10 complete sets. But having taking such a long break and recently getting that inkling of "I kinda wonder what has changed since I left...." Seeing Tier 15 made me gut-wrenched a little. I've missed too much now. I can't go back. I'd have to buy an expansion, re-learn all of the classes (I had an 85 for everything but Lock and DK) and grind for months on dailys and crap just to feel "adequate" to the days of old. I miss my 125+ Minipets, my 125+ mounts, almost 9k achievement points, and god knows how much gold. I miss the days of raiding. I miss the days of old school WoW. But it's not like that anymore. I have so few friends left in the game, and god knows I don't want to taint alttab with that trash. But I still miss it.

It's almost like that feeling of seeing an ex-girlfriend. It was fun back then, good memories, but your in a much better place now than you could have ever been before. Or an old book that at the time was absolutely stunning, could never put down, and never wanted it to end. Then when you re-read it, it leaves you empty. A void. Can't recapture that feeling of the past. That is the feeling I get from WoW and try to fill with every other game that comes onto the market.

GW2 came close, don't get me wrong, but something was still missing. I still don't feel accomplished in GW2 like I did back then. Something about practicing raids for weeks, finally killing that boss, getting that sweet loot drop... Or farming factions for bragging rights because you could show off that title/pet/mount/achievement. FISHING. OMG that fishing! Spamming Old Ironjaw in Orgrimmar from your recent expedition in Ironforge. Or complaining that your Magical Mr. Pinchy took you till your third wish to be granted. Never winning the weekly tournaments because your work schedule never allowed you to compete (or taking lunch breaks at a specific time so you COULD compete).

Battlegrounds. I remember the days of twinking. The days of week long AV's. Shaman vs. Paladin battles. I remember holding all of my badges in my bags before the new honor point system. Seeing/playing with HWL's and thinking "Wow. That's REAL dedication". High Warlord Venomm was in our old Arcanix back in the day. I'll always remember the name, because he earned that prestige. No one can ever take that away from him. He earned it. I was happy with my Blood Guard rank (which I achieved at 49, which again was no easy feat), only so I could enter the hall of legends in org. Yeah, there was a zone in the city that you couldn't enter until you had reached a certain rank. I wanted to go in. I didn't care if there was a youtube video showing the inside, I WANTED TO GO IN MYSELF. And I earned the right to do so.

My quick blurb all of a sudden turned into a very nostalgic rant. I want that feeling again. I want to EARN things again. Sure, I can earn things in GW2. Titles. Legendaries, cool gear sets, achievements... But it's not enough. It's not as satisfying as it once was in the past. I need something more. I need prestige. I need to feel special again. I need to have a purpose again. Not just "Oh, I logged on. Guess I should do my fractals daily for that weapon skin that'd be kinda cool". An hour later "I guess I could SPvP. I guess I could WvW. But I already have the rewards I want... And it's kinda boring after you get what you want. I could level an alt, but I prefer my Ranger over any other character. Guess I'll play that instead." Jump around LA. "Guess I'll log off now."

Bah. I think that's why I spend so much time on alttab. I get excited when people join the community. Want to play things. Want to talk, discuss, look forward to new things and enjoy old things. That's the feeling of the community I miss from the old days. I get it here on alttab. But now I need that game that holds my interest. I want to be addicted. Always have things that I WANT to do. Not just a lot of things. I finish a dungeon once, I don't feel compelled to do them again. I finished it, I got my reward, I'm done with it (achievement in this case is my reward). I hit Rank 20 in SPvP. Not super high. But I've experienced everything there is to experience. Now it's just the same without any real reward (ok, cosmetic gear from chests, yay). WvW.... /sigh, I expected so much more from you. And CRAFTING. I expected WAY more from you. You did not satisfy me in the least. Where are my perks? Bonuses for actually completing you? Legendary gifts? Woopdie-doo. Give me that hard to obtain recipe to make something that is cool and fun. Hard to craft pets with mats that are soulbound and only obtainable with certain mobs in different areas. Or is that too grindy for the atmosphere? I mean, I'd rather a DIFFERENT activity than a general gold sink, even if it was grindy.

I wanted more from GW2. I don't like being a patch jumper. I want something unique again. Fuck, if you incorporate fishing into the game, I'd be set. I need something that I can just DO. Not worry about groups, or being top efficient, or worrying about the hundreds of gold I'd have to sink into it. I just want something relaxing. Slightly beneficial, even for novelty purposes. Fishing would give me that.
Well written Gyoin. Though I haven't gotten bored with GW2 yet myself, due to not having had the opportunity to play as much during my transience, I could relate to your sentiments. Thankfully we do have AltTabMe as a community, you guys definitely keep the gaming interesting & fun. Hopefully the 'next great game' will come along... or perhaps 'fishing' in GW2 lol, to spark your enthusiasm again. :)
I still don't feel accomplished in GW2 like I did back then. Something about practicing raids for weeks, finally killing that boss, getting that sweet loot drop

I feel ya Gyoin. This is what's really leading to my current boredom with the game. I'm working on my 4th alt (2 80's, 1 45) and really just find no reason to play my current maxed characters. I feel like GW2 is on the cusp of greatness and just needs that little push.

I keep telling myself to wait for the Jan-Feb release and that WoW wasn't perfect when it started (or really at any time). But there's just something about old MC and ZG runs, those week long AV's, and farming pirates forever that I miss.

I actually contemplated starting WoW again, but also decided not to when I realized I'd basically have to start from zero, even with my current characters.

I love our guild, and really like GW2. I just wish the game offered a little more in terms of Epicness.

For the life of me, I can't figure out WHY Zhaitan isn't a raid for 15+ people that offers a unique loot table with skins.

Have you ever checked out something like this; https://www.molten-wow.com/

I tried playing for a while and its pretty cool. Maybe we could arrange some sort of guild event where we all jump on an old-school private server once every few weeks and mess around..
Have you ever checked out something like this; https://www.molten-wow.com/

I tried playing for a while and its pretty cool. Maybe we could arrange some sort of guild event where we all jump on an old-school private server once every few weeks and mess around..
It's not the same, and quite frankly wouldn't be worth it IMO. Good in theory, but fails in practice. It just doesn't hold true to what it was back then when it was new and exciting. It'd be just a shell of it's former glory.
Now you sound like me! Miss this, miss that. I totally agree with you! I want to be addicted again and gw2 doesn't do that because everything is only for aesthetics. I recently played the mop 10 day trial and really enjoyed it but had enough after the 10 days. Just too much catching up to do and there's a huge lack of community nowadays. Sticking with gw2 for now and waiting to start spvping with everyone.
I feel the same exact way about WoW. I haven't been gone that long, but long enough for me to feel like "wow, I'd still have to level, then gear up, then learn all the new tanking stuff and how to tank the dungeons and if I want to raid...". GW2 has been wonderful. So far, I have really enjoyed the game, but you're right...there's just something missing. I personally cannot put my finger on it quite yet, but hopefully in time, this game will develop into the thing we all know it can be. It's closer than any other game has been, and that is no easy feat.
It's not the same, and quite frankly wouldn't be worth it IMO. Good in theory, but fails in practice. It just doesn't hold true to what it was back then when it was new and exciting. It'd be just a shell of it's former glory.
yeah, exactly. I had tried it and messed around with a Shaman for a while, buts its jut not the same.

Man, remember working for weeks just to OPEN the gates of AQ? That was a great experience too
yeah, exactly. I had tried it and messed around with a Shaman for a while, buts its jut not the same.

Man, remember working for weeks just to OPEN the gates of AQ? That was a great experience too
Yup. My server was right in the middle of everyone. I remember seeing the Black AQ mount being linked all the time in chat. I was so jealous. I did the chain myself only to acquire Dirge's Kickin' Chimera Chops recipe. I had every single recipe in the game on my Priest (except for swift thistle tea..... DAMN YOU ROGUE'S). Shit like that. Being able to link my profession book and people go "Wow. You really do have everything". /sigh
I have no idea what you guys are referencing, being one of the few people in the world that have not played WoW, but you are making me long for those things too!
Completely agree with everything said in this thread lol.
Me too. I also feel that way about FFXI sometimes, even though it was much harder to progress and I ALWAYS felt behind. Nostalgia is one of those aches that just never goes away.

It's great that we can share things like this and not get a trolly "WoW SUCKS GTFO" post. XD If only there was something like the old-school raids we could all share in again. I never had a WoW guild that was both good and low on drama. Would be great. Sigh~

Hear that, game devs? There's a void out there waiting to be filled- get on it! (please ignore how terrible this sounds out of context)
Hear that, game devs? There's a void out there waiting to be filled- get on it! (please ignore how terrible this sounds out of context)
Nope. I'm taking that at face value. Fill it devs! Fill it hard with everything you got!
You know, there are people out there that run private WoW servers that are, how to say... extra-legal?

I have a friend that plays Cata, but also made a character on a private server that is run as WoW vanilla. That's right, Naxx is the top of the food chain and 40 man raid groups are grinding out the shards of Atiesh. How epic would it be for us to hop onto something like that? Maybe one set up some WotLK 25 and 10 man raiding?
You know, there are people out there that run private WoW servers that are, how to say... extra-legal?

I have a friend that plays Cata, but also made a character on a private server that is run as WoW vanilla. That's right, Naxx is the top of the food chain and 40 man raid groups are grinding out the shards of Atiesh. How epic would it be for us to hop onto something like that? Maybe one set up some WotLK 25 and 10 man raiding?
Again, good in theory, fails in practice. It's just not the same.
Again, good in theory, fails in practice. It's just not the same.

I agree. I was tempted to start a UO server for all of us but agree, there is something that falls short with these ventures, not to mention the legality issues :p
I agree. I was tempted to start a UO server for all of us but agree, there is something that falls short with these ventures, not to mention the legality issues :p
Yeah, I'd be willing to be an anonymous participant, but I wouldn't want to be holding the bag if Blizz came pirate hunting.
I feel that GW2 doesn't provide a challenge or any gratification for accomplishing something. I feel that other MMOs provide more challenges and greater rewards/feelings when you accomplish them. Anyways, that's just my opinion in a nutshell about GW2.
Ha, I had these feelings again today and reminded myself I already ranted about it. Re-read it and confirmed my feelings.
Farming a Notorious Monster in FFXI and finally getting that Peacock charm... I have NEVER in all my years of gaming been as happy as that one single moment, not even one single boss kill in wow... roll win... nothing.

Also in FFXI that sense of adventure, of going out and explore to see if you find something amazing, hidden, something beautiful... talking about fishing I used to fish in Western Ronfaure almost getting to La Theine plateau there is a very small lake... you have no idea how soothing that place was for me... hours on end.

Nostalgia what cruel mistress you are.
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