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Wildstar NDA-What it means and why we follow it

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Alright, as we all know there are a lot of beta's going on right now and some of us have access to those beta's. We need to remember that all of the beta's, unless otherwise indicated, are CLOSED DISCUSSION and under NDA - Non-Disclosure Agreement. We need to to be aware of what we say and how we say it. No where on the site should we be discussing or posting things from our beta experiences(including the chat box and status updates). I know we want to talk about it, but we can't. It breaks all kinds of legal stuff which in turn not only reflects poorly on you but ALTTABME as well. This will hurt our chances for any special opportunities with these companies, such as you have seen in the past with beta keys and exclusive interviews with the developers.

Here are some quick rules that we will be enforcing when it comes to any beta covered by an NDA.

1. Do not post that you are in a beta.
2. Do not post any experience you have had in beta.
3. Do not post anyone else's experience in beta.
4. Do not discuss anyone else's posts - Report them so we can remove them.
5. EXCEPTION - Posting in official beta forums. Please discuss to your hearts content there. They need your input!

Now, what we suggest to those IN beta; start writing your down ideas and topics you want to discuss in a private document. Save your ideas and if you put together a good review, talking piece, opinionated article or the like, AFTER the NDA is lifted, we will promote that article on the site for all to enjoy!

Ultimately, use common sense. If you signed an agreement, adhere to it. Be civil about it. I know we all get excited (myself included), but we need to abide by these rules or we won't be able to run as an ethical site. We've always been good about letting people express themselves in an open forum, but this crossed that line of expression and respect. It's not only for our benefit as a site, but for your benefit to allow you to stay in the beta!
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