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Orion Project


Crazy German Guy
A Kickstarter Project I just found:

Do you like Dinosaurs? Robots? Spaceships? Then this Open World, Interactive Sci-Fi gaming experience is for YOU!

If you were one of the incredible people who supported us early on via the 2011 Kickstarter, you may already know that you are getting a free copy of every game we ever release - for the rest of your life - including this Orion Project.

ORION: Prelude is coming in 2014. Details here.
If you haven't already reclaimed your copy and need a Steam copy of ORION: Dino Horde please contact us at :
[email protected]

The Orion Project is a massive, open world, action adventure game set in a constantly growing and unfolding interactive Space Opera. Conquer the Galaxy with this incredible experience from Spiral Game Studios and YOU!

Targeted Platform(s): PC-only.
Targeted Release Dates: Aug 2014 (Early) Mar 2015 (Public)
• Focused Core / Seed-Release.
• Steam Early Access.
• PC-only.
• Single-Player, Cooperative & Multiplayer.
• Persistent & Growing Universe .
• No Subscriptions & No Pay-To-Win.

  • Open World Gameplay lets you choose how you want to play. Join a faction and participate in the war or remain a Smuggler or Space Pirate and answer to no one.
  • Interactive A.I lets you never have the same experience twice. Dinosaurs will react to other dinosaurs differently than it will towards a character or a Droid.
  • Have your own personal Droid who can help you attack enemies, find loot, scout objectives, store loot as well as revive you if injured.
  • Completely customize your characters. Each player will have access to creating 5 characters based on a Class archetype. You will be able to choose Gender, Base Colors, Armor Colors, Visor Tint, Decals, Tags and ID Branding.
  • Upgrade everything via persistence. Learn new skills for your characters, upgrade your Droid, improve your Spaceship.
  • Explore Orion, a massive homeworld which will launch with roughly a 4 square mile district including 4 regions: Desert, Jungle, Grasslands, Arctic.

  • *Travel to new Planets and Moons via post-release updates. Each planet will have its own specific setting, species, loot types and mysteries.
  • Participate in massive A.I and Player battles with multiple teams, tiers and factions.
  • *Fly your own spaceship across the open galaxy in real-time including PvP combat in space, world events and even real-time Lightspeed Travel (quick travel).
  • *The best weapons and gear are featured in The Orion Project including Grappling Hooks, Cloak Devices, Machine Guns, Sentry Turrets, Teleporting Devices, Heartbeat Monitors, Shotguns, Flame Throwers, Gatling Guns, Sniper Rifles and anything in between.
  • *Set up a base anywhere with the TREK Builder Tool.
  • *Visit Faction-focused hubs, cities and space ports to meet other members within your faction in much more social manner including the ability to start races, duels, archery contests and gamble by placing bets.
  • *Participate in the games economy through crafting, trading and looting.
  • *Boss Fights will be common and varied featuring many types of species (dinosaurs!) and robots.
    * = Post-Release Feature

The Orion Project is going to be amazing in many ways. Here are just some of our favorites:

Featuring massive Home worlds, Planets, Moons, Space Stations and Faction Cities and Hubs. Powered by a custom version of Unreal Engine 3 we are going to deliverHomeworlds which are the largest at roughly 20 square miles.

Planets are the second largest at around 4-5 square miles. Moons are the third largest at around 2 square miles in total size and Space stations are the fourth largest at roughly 1 square mile in size.

Go where you want, when you want. Explore new planets, moons, and space stations as they are regularly added to the game. Travel alone or form together with friends and strangers.

Danger can strike at any moment when wild Dinosaurs are lingering about.•Environmental and Weather Hazards can add to the difficulty of staying alive withDynamic Weather Systems and Real-Time Time-of-Day Systems including sand storms, snow storms, heavy rain, heavy snow - with more to be added over time.


From there take it even further with Persistence 2.0. A fully dynamic, choice-based Persistence system which is unique to each of your Characters.

Your Companions will also feature fully unique Persistence System with their own upgrades and choice-based progression.

The combat featured in The Orion Project will be real-time, competitive and skill-based which can be evolved and enhanced by Augmentations.

Gameplay Demonstration via the already-released 'ORION: Dino Horde' to give you a visual representation of what the base foundation gameplay will resemble:




The Orion Project will be launching the game with a variety of weapons, armor sets and loot-types. This will allow players to fully customize their gaming experience and what will be included with it all the way down to your weapons, items and kits.

Have full control over all of your characters. From the initial creation where you may choose elements such as Gender, Base Colors, Armor Colors, Visor Tint, Ethnicity and many more elements.

Completely customize your appearance. Locate and find new pieces of armor including Helmets, Gauntlets, Chest Pieces and Leg Armor.

Have access to state-of-the-art weaponry. New weapons and gear will be constantly added to the game via regular, consistent game updates.

Vehicles and Vehicle Combat are a post-release feature that will be added after the games initial launch opening up the experience to new heights (and speeds).

The Orion Project is going to be a completely unique experience unlike any other ever before it. Not only will the experience itself be unique but so will many of the mechanics and components that make it up:

We are launching the game with 5 Companions. Each player in the game can create 5 characters with each Character Class having it's own unique Companion.

Jumper (Assault)
Hummingbird (Recon)
Blades (Tech)
Beast (Support)
Knuckles (Demo)

These Companions will be with you for your entire experience and will assist you with many situations, including: Reviving you, Locating loot, Discovering objectives or points of interest, Protecting you, and Attacking enemies.


No game will ever have more Dinosaurs than The Orion Project. We are launching with five but that number will quickly grow well past 20.

The Orion Project will feature massive scale, on-the-fly battles between a wide variety of species and units including Players, Companions (A.I), Dinosaurs (A.I) and even Bosses (A.I).

Boss Battles are a post-release feature that will be added after launch in which we currently already have planned five main Boss-types as well as two types of policing squadrons - the TREK Drone Military & TREK Drone Enforcers:


This is something that has been designed for nearly two decades now. This is the most epic experience that we will ever deliver. We will have other games and designs that are amazing products for amazing value but in the overall grand picture this will be our largest endeavor that we ever take upon ourselves.

All developers are fully aware that with our commitment to this project we may very likely never make another game again. This game will require literally everything we have financially and mentally and it will be our immediate and distant future.

We all understand and are willing to dedicate ourselves to this for what could be up to the next 10 years (or even more) - a period of time which eclipses the 3 years of post-release support we have already dedicated towards ‘ORION: Dino Horde’. Luckily, they all didn't think I was insane and were on board for what we believe could be one of the greatest experiences of all time through any media.

This is going to be a real-time, interactive, cinematic, open-galactic adventure. This is not a locked or linear-focus experience in which you participate by simply watching unfold. This is going to be an experience that is you, involves you and is about you.


We will be launching the first Seed version of the game with 5 starting Dinosaurs, including:

We will quickly increase this number to well past 20 within the next years adding fan favorites such as the Triceratops, Ankylosaurus, Allosaurus, T-Rex, Stegosaurus,Spinosaurus, Deinosuchus and many more. Each Dinosaur offers a unique type of A.I and combat style for the Player and their Companion.






We are going to be updating this game massively and regularly and the only way we can guarantee this is with a focused, open platform. This is and has always been the PC.

Most importantly it is static. The PC will be here, in some form, 10-15 years from now. Consoles and other pieces of hardware come and go. This is a long term project that could keep us busy anywhere from 5 to 15 years .

This game is about the characters and experiences you create. This game is focused entirely around you and the actions you put into the world. Each player will be able to create 5 characters – all of which can be used on any Spiral Server.

All of these choices and decisions will mirror the constant updates and content we will be pouring into the game once it goes live.

If we hit our targets that means it will be able to stick to the calendar of forecasted releases we already have down on paper. This currently outlines the next 14 years of post-release support on a near-monthly basis.

If we do not meet all of the stretch goals that DOESN'T mean the content won't come. It just may shift the arrival of it as it would instead be financed from modular based releases and continued growth - similar to what we did with our 'ORION: Dino Horde' title.
The full experience listed below WILL happen regardless of stretch goals being met. It just means if we hit them they will come much faster and be much easier on us.


The Orion Project is all about allegiance and alliance. Who will you stand with? What will you fight for? What will you protect? Every player begins the game as a for-hire Space Pirate.

Players are able to create five unique characters each with their own unique Faction Allegiance. Players can remain a Space Pirate or side with either the Rebel Alliance or the Carrier Marines.

The Rebel Alliance is a struggling faction. They fight for their starving families or dying loved ones. A large majority of The Rebel Alliance are ex-Carrier Marines.

The Carrier Marines have better funding, thanks to the largest corporation - TREK Industries. Most do not have any stake in The Civil War against the Rebels and fight simply to survive or provide.

The most powerful corporation in the world. Responsible for forming the last human city on Earth - the City of Cera and the unity of the One World Government.


The City of Cera houses all remaining major corporations and civilians lucky enough to be brought into the massive walled city. The giant walls are to keep the Rebels out and the Civilians in as this allows for easier and better distribution of Earth's remaining resources.

Many of the Civil War battles are fought over food or water with many Rebel bombings and targets occurring at hospitals and supply stations.

If you would rather watch the Carriers and Rebels battle it out from afar while making your own squad (clan, group) you are encouraged to do so via Spiral Squads.

This will allow users to create in-game clans and help better organize groups or teams of players. Spiral Squads can be aligned to a Faction (which will over ride the included players personal choice) or it can remain as a Space Pirate group with no affiliation.

We are going to be launching The Orion Project with the District 01 of the Orion planet. This district is roughly 3.5 square miles and contains four expansive regions including:

The Worlds and game space will be constantly expanding outwards via consistent game updates just as we have proven with 'ORION: Dino Horde' (averaging roughly 2/month). The first additions will include Districts 02 – 06.

The physical universe that contains all of the game worlds will also be constantly expanding once the entirety of Orion and it’s 6 Districts are built up. Shortly after we will begin the introduction of other Planets and Moons within the New Solar System. The New Solar System includes 7 registered Planets and 9 registered Moons. Footage from 'ORION: Dino Horde' prototypes.

The Old Solar System is a post-release content addition. Currently intended travel locations include: Earth, Moon, Mars, Ceres, Mercury, Pluto.

The New Solar System is located in the Orion Constellation just under 800 light years away from our (Old) Solar System / Earth. Both the New and Old Solar Systems are located within the Orion Spur (Local Arm) of the Milky Way Galaxy.

*FUN FACT: This will be the first time users can actually play on Orion’s surface in the history of our games (Horde/Beatdown were on the moons and other planets within the New Solar System but not on ORION itself).

ALWAYS HAVE NEW PLACES TO VISIT Once the Districts start coming together we will be introducing Player Housing & Shuttle Travel services to go from one location to the next including: Space Stations, Player Housing (Storage), Moon Bases (+Objectives), Mining Colonies (+Objectives) and City Hubs (Social).

T O I N F I N I T Y, A N D B E Y O N D !






We are going to be utilizing both Steam and Spiral Early Access allowing backers and supporters to play the game earlier than the mass Public.

We are currently targeting Early Access release for August 2014. This is subject to change given the massive scale of the game however we have a very clear and focused vision for what the Early Access Version will be:


These funds are going to greatly assist with the development of The Orion Project. These funds will be used for all immediate needs, including:

These funds are going to be supplemented with our own personal investments as well as everything we generate from other in house products such as 'ORION: Dino Horde.



My name is David Prassel and I am the Game Director at Spiral Game Studios. We are a small indie studio filled with passionate minds and extremely ambitious game titles. Because we are indie, any additional help to spread the word about what we are doing really helps us out.

You may have heard some nasty rumors back in 2012 regarding myself and Spiral. Now that 'ORION: Dino Horde' is in a very stable and enjoyable state (via the ‘Arctic Update’ - December 2013) we have put together a Video Documentary called “Into The Spiral” that discusses all of these topics and where they stemmed from. This VidDoc is based on an article of the same name that was published in December 2013.

We have been working on our first studio title “ORION: Dino Horde” (/ORION: Dino Beatdown) for the last two years.

We have been putting out multiple updates per month (full change-log here). More importantly we have been putting out massive, consistent content updates including:
These types of updates add new game modes, achievements, weapons, dinosaurs, vehicles and an overall improved experience with each release.

HOW WE FUNCTIONWe function fully on community. The first game that we built was 'ORION: Dino Horde', created from an initial $15,000 raised via the community on Kickstarter in February of 2011.

We interact with our community on a daily basis, we incorporate community feedback and suggestions on a regular basis and we involve them in as many events and opportunities as possible.
'ORION: Dino Horde' is an indie Sci-Fi shooter (FPS/TPS) that seamlessly blends together incredible visuals and addictive combat. It puts you and your friends together into intense, cinematic battles using some of the most incredible weaponry and amazing vehicles in which you must work or compete against one another to accomplish mission objectives, explore giant worlds and survive the devastating Dinosaur Horde.

It features the best of both worlds including cooperative gameplay from 'ORION: Dino Beatdown' and competitive gameplay from 'ORION: Prelude'.

  • Open World Gameplay
  • Cooperative & Competitive Gameplay
  • Persistence & Leveling
  • Melee Combat & Dueling
  • Stats & Leaderboards
  • 1st Person / 3rd Person Hybrid Gameplay
  • 50+ Weapons, Tech & Gear
  • 30+ Augmentations (Upgrades)
  • 10 Playable Dinosaurs
  • 40+ Massive Maps
  • 7 Vehicles
  • 12 Game Modes
  • Lobbies, Matchmaking, Quickmatch.
  • 250+ Steam Achievements
  • Spiral Rewards & Unlocks
  • Steam Trading Cards
  • Spiral Store (Hats, Taunts, Character Packs, Capes, Sabre Colors)
IN CLOSING...We are so proud of where we have come. It's been a long, crazy journey but it was well worth it to get the game where it is today. The game in it's current state is something that we think is extremely special and we hope you take some time to check it out.
ORION: Dino Horde’ is available for $14.99 USD ($44.99 USD/4pack) on Steam. We encourage that you check it out during its next Free-2-Play event / Steam Sale and see what we have been working so hard on.

If you are enjoying what you see and could help us spread the word to your friends and peers we would be super appreciative:


It sounds too good to be true. Has anybody of you played Orion: Dino Horde?
I second Crake n Dainjre. Would love to be happily surprised though.

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