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GW2 PVE Condition Damage Build, Input welcome!


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Armor: Shaman Reward Armor (Citadel of Flame)
Upgrade Slots: x6 Superior Rune of the Undead
Total Stats: +224 Power, +224 Vitality, +561 Condition Damage
Weapon: Mystic Crescent
Total Stats: +128 Power, +179 Vitality, +128 Condition Damage
Amulet: Coral Orichalcum Amulet of the Rampager
Rings x2: Coral Orichalcum Ring of the Rampager
Earrings x2: Coral Orichalcum Earring of the Rampager
Total Stats: +240 Power, +336 Precision, +240 Condition Damage

Total Stats with Gear
Power = 1558
Precision = 1552
Toughness = 1266
Vitality = 1369
Attack = 1000
Condition Damage = 1233
Critical Chance = 29%
Armor = 1980

Marksman +5
Skirmishing +30
Wilderness Survival +30
Beast Mastery +5
Primary weapon: Short Bow
Secondary weapons: Sword and Torch
Offhand Skills: Healing Spring, Quickening Zephyr, Burning Trap, Snake Trap
Elite Skill: Entagled Roots.
With this I burst MASSIVE AoE condition damage, then pop quickening zephyr for and intense bleed stack with my shortbow.
Skirmishing: II= Sharpended Edges, VIII= Trapper's Expertise, XI= Trap Potency
Wilderness Survival: VI= Wilderness Knowledge, IX= Hide in Plain Site, XII= Bark Skin
When you messaged me on the forum, before I found this thread, this was the build I created without knowing anything else:

You've done a lot of things right but a couple of things wrong: the Skirmishing trait line. Either commit to a precision build or change your armor. Without more precision you're wasting 30 points of traits in on a 29% crit chance and +30% critical damage that is barely ever brought to bear on your targets.

You might like the major traits of skirmishing (and they ARE good), but you can't run power, vitatlity, condition damage armor with the Skirmishing trait line. You HAVE to run precision, condition damage, (something else). Rampager's armor fit the bill in that regard. Here's the precision version of this build. I like it less.

If you want to change your build rather than your armor, I like the Marksmanship line because of the +30% condition duration, pretty handy in a condition build.
Pretty much what DM said. For a condition build to work, you need to stack precision and condition damage. The reason why is for the Sharpened Edges trait. The purpose for a condition ranger is to STACK BLEEDS. HIGH POWER BLEEDS OFTEN. AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. With Sharpened edges, your crits add more bleeds.

On that note, you're kinda right with your utilities. I personally don't like trap builds in PvE or PvP. I prefer a straight bleed build with Sharpening Stones, Zephyr, then an extra utility for the situation (Map exploration, signet of the hunt, group stuff, battle roar (charr racial) or Search and Rescue, etc.)

Here is the build that I typically run when I'm doing condition Ranger.

You can see here that you benefit from straight power as you are attacking often, you get your bonus crit, and your condition damage. I generally stack Precision and Condition damage, with a sub in Power. You're going to be hitting often, and even if you don't hit for bleeds, you're still doing good damage. Not great, but good.

Mark3- Sharpen stones at 75%. No brainer. If you get hit, you're probably going to fall below 75%. That many more bleeds. Some would argue M6 instead (fury buff at pet 50%) and it's a good argument. Since the M3 DOES NOT STACK if you just recently used Sharpening Stones, it can be wasted. Something to keep an eye out for. (fury will increase your crit, so more bleeds on crit that way. Personal preference, I swap based on fight to fight scenario)

Mark8 - Piercing Arrows. POSITIONING IS CRUCIAL for a shortbow ranger. You need to learn not only to flank, but also how to target efficiently. If you target a mob in the back, your arrow will PIERCE THROUGH all other mobs in the way. Learn to aim in the back and flank, increasing your damage from Skirm (minor3) trait (10% damage while flanking) and Shortbow 1 (stack bleeds while flanking. Stacking these bonus's together is where the ranger can really shine.

Skirm2 - Sharpened Edges. Critting causes bleeds. No Brainer.

Skirm10 - Reduced SB/LB recharge. I like it mostly for the 4 ability. Most people don't realize that upon using the 4 ability, your pet then stacks bleeds on next 3 attacks. Guess what, you're a bleed stacking build! Plus it's nice to have SB3 on shorter cooldown as well for the added dodge animation.

Wild6 - Essential for any survival spec'd ranger. Sharpening stones is on a shorter cooldown. Zephyr is on a shorter cooldown. ENTANGLE IS ON A SHORTER COOLDOWN. 30 seconds shaved off of your elite. Not bad if you ask me.

Wild10 - This is a personal preference by far. I'm this far into the trait line to keep the condition damage up (plus adds that toughness you wanted a little on your gear without sacrificing the stats). I sub a greatsword on my SB generally. Sometimes I use axe/torch, Sword/torch, axe/axe, etc., but GS is too much fun. This is just handy on projectile-reflect mobs. Tastes may vary.

If you have any other questions, let me know. But that is probably one of the best SB specs you'll find (SORRY DM, I DON'T LIKE YOUR BUILDS! :p)
And THAT is why you ask Gyoin about ranger builds instead of me ;)

I don't blame you for not liking them, they are builds for a profession I've not played more than an hour...when it comes to rangers I have to go on the theory without practical knowledge.

To give a bit more background, Lewen PMed me and asked me to weigh in on his build - I did the best I could but could never match actual experience in the class.
And THAT is why you ask Gyoin about ranger builds instead of me ;)

I don't blame you for not liking them, they are builds for a profession I've not played more than an hour...when it comes to rangers I have to go on the theory without practical knowledge.

To give a bit more background, Lewen PMed me and asked me to weigh in on his build - I did the best I could but could never match actual experience in the class.
Haha, yeah, he asked me who did theorycrafting, I mentioned you. Then he said "Rangers", and I said I'd help. I just got busy right after he posted his build so I couldn't respond properly until later :p
Thanks a lot guys really, I wont do anything with it tonight. But tomorrow at work I will go over what I have and what you talked about Gyoin. Amazing tips.
Thanks a lot guys really, I wont do anything with it tonight. But tomorrow at work I will go over what I have and what you talked about Gyoin. Amazing tips.
It's what I do :) I have finalized my condition builds, power/crit builds, defensive builds, WvW builds, and all forms of SPvP builds (cond, crit, bunker, pet). I only recently stopped playing a bleed build because of Fractals. Power/Crit builds seemed to work best, since if anyone else is running any kind of bleed build, you're not efficient.

A while back, people were testing bleed builds vs. power/crit builds. The general synopsis was that Bleeds were best over long term fights, and Crit was best over short burst (grinding mobs and such). But recently, with the increase of Fractal Rings, %CritDmg has increased to the point of flattening out that barrier of longterm vs shortterm damage. It has also come into play that these tests were done solely as "single player" dps. When in a group environment, getting stacked with might and fury all the time, I really feel the difference I am contributing with my Crit Glass Cannon build. I love it. But I do miss SB sometimes.
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