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GW2 Racial Skills


New member
Does anybody have a good resource for looking at all the racial skills available in GW2? The skill names seem to be listed on the official GW2 Wiki (wiki.guildwars2.com) and some of the details for these skills are available on the GW2DB (gw2db.com), but not all of them. I understand some may be adjusted before the game goes live, but I was hoping to look through details to help decide if I should be picking one race over another because of their racial skills. I assume these are like WoW, where they are not extremely important, but can come in very useful in certain scenarios.
Yeah, pretty much the GW2 wiki is the only information I have. Arenanet has said that racials will be more for flavor and less for combat efficiency. They don't want anyone to choose a race based on performance, purely for aesthetics and enjoyment :)




The asura and sylvari are speculative, but not confirmed.
Thanks. That's what I had found, too. I'm sure the abilities aren't going to be absolute game-changers, but some definitely look more useful than others. Based on what's shown, I'm glad I wasn't strongly considering being Charr. Although not terrible, their racial skills seem the least useful to me. Out of the three available so far, I'm liking human the most. Being able to remove 3 conditions and/or being able to create a healing field seems useful. Being able to turn into a Bear, Raven, Snow Leapord, or Wolf would also be neat, though.

I have very little GW2 experience, so my perceptions may be terribly skewed. I'm still trying to break the WoW mindset. :) It's too bad we won't be able to see any of the racials for Sylvari and Asura until after release.

I appreciate the response. I have put together a short list of links I found useful in my digging. I know most of you have been following the game for quite awhile and probably know most of what I've found already. However, I may post my collection of links to the Useful Guide section for future newbies and/or to provide to possible GW2 recruits. :)
Yes racial elites will be effective, but not as great as class elites as Gyo pointed out. I love the idea that I have the advantage of starting completely fresh come headstart. We have been playing through the early Human, Norn, and Charr zone for 2 weekends and 2 stress tests so it will be great to not have spoiled my races early areas yet.
I love the charr racials but refuse to be one. Oh well. Maybe the Sylvari will have "Vegen" as a racial.
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