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Raene Droppe's Application

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Raene Droppe

New member
Raene Droppe (EDIT: kanevigil.8432)

Age (must be 18+)

Do you have any friends in the guild? If so, who?
I've had the pleasure to talking with Tr1age through Youtube and Twitter but I don't know anyone else in Arcanix yet.

Main Character
Raene Droppe

Character Name
Raene Droppe



What role do you wish to play in the guild? For example: PvP, PvE, Casual/Social
I like a little bit of everything. I am very PvX and enjoy trying out new things and exploring. I love the challenge of dungeons, I love WvW, and while I haven't gotten to try sPvP yet I bet I'll enjoy it too. I'm definitely all about the social aspect. I log in just to chat sometimes if I don't have the time to do anything else. I'm also a roleplayer and enjoy playing in character at times. I'm also a hoarder of outfits (already had to buy 2 bank expansions >.<) and I like grinding for shiny new pretties. I don't dig fashion in real life really but my characters have to look fabulous!

Which previous MMO's or online games have you played and how long for?
Everquest 1 from the end of Planes of Power to Lost Dungeons (I think that was almost two years). Star Wars Galaxies for three years on and off. World of Warcraft for a little over five years. Everquest 2 for over two and a half years and still counting. I've played others for shorter periods (less than a year), such as: AION, Star Trek Online, Champions Online, and City of Heroes.

Were you a part of a guild? What was your experience?
I was, until recently, a part of Somnium on Desolation. I have absolutely nothing bad to say about the guild members or it's leadership, all very good people; it just wasn't the guild for me. At nearly 300 people strong, Somnium had no truly close knit community and I felt unable to better know my guildmates in such overwhelming numbers.

How did you hear about the Guild?
I'm no stranger to the Arcanix and it's incarnation and legend in World of Warcraft. I was beyond excited to hear that it would also be created in Guild Wars 2 as well. I admit, in pure fangurl fashion, I'm a fan of Tristan's machinima work from WoW and the work that followed in that vein.

What will you bring to the ALTTABME community? (Chatty? Skilled? Funny? Helping?)
I'm definitely chatty once I get past the shy start and find common ground, and as the above questions illustrate, long winded (and sometimes opinionated) when I get started. ;) I would definitely call myself a helper. If someone has a question, I'll answer it and if I don't know the answer I'll help look for one until it's found. I'm usually the first to volunteer to help when it's at all possible for me to do so.

Will Arcanix be the only guild you join?
I'm also currently in Champions of the Tree which is my husband's (Anarok) guild of just he and I that he's shamelessly using for bank space. Beyond that I am in no other guild and don't expect I will be joining any others at this point in time.

Is there anything else you would like to throw in here at the end?
I want to say that my activity on the forums will not be dependent on my acceptance or denial of entry into the guild. I have found I like the community here through my lurkings and I want to be a part of what will make the server, and ultimately the game, home for a long time to come. That said, I do hope to become a member of Arcanix and be part of the fun and awesomeness. ;) Thank you for reviewing my application and I look forward to getting to know you all!
Well I automatically approve, because you A have already gotten the pre-requisites out of the way and B we have chatted quite a bit over twitter prior to this and you seem like a perfect fit.

Let's see what the others say :)
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