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Wildstar Raiding - It's Happening!


Over Analystical Extreme Gambler
Alright everyone, I wanted to get people the swift kick in the butts we all need to get ready for raiding!


What this means for everyone. We need people attuned. Thanks to the Spicy Crew, we have people who have become fully attuned and who are MORE than willing to help the rest of us finish our Dungeon Silvers! What you need to do? WORK HARD TO FINISH YOUR ATTUNEMENT! I don't want to hear the "I can't find a group", "I don't have the gear", or the "No one is ever on" excuses anymore! There are PLENTY of people willing to do dungeons, YOU need to coordinate with people to get it done! Don't expect to just log on and expect a group to be fully formed waiting for you, communicate with people to make it happen!


Tuesdays at 8PM - 11:30PM EST
Thursdays at 8PM - 11:30PM EST
Potential Saturday Raids - 4PM - 8PM EST Depending on Availability


Please be outfitted BOTH with main spec and off spec gear! Be it crafted, dungeon, or Elder Gem gear, GET IT RUNED. Yes it's expensive. But it's worth it. You will want to have EVERY advantage possible when raiding. DON'T SLACK. If others are putting their time and effort into having their full gear runed, you should too. YOU MAY BE PASSED OVER ON A RAID SPOT BECAUSE YOUR GEAR ISN'T RUNED. It's a matter of effort and dedication.



I mentioned in the gear, main spec AND off spec gear. That is because we want to have VERSATILITY with our options. Even though i would prefer to tank, I may not be needed to tank on this encounter because we only need 1 or 2 tanks and not 4. Again, YOU MAY BE PASSED OVER BECAUSE OF INABILITY TO CHANGE GEAR/SPEC. Right now we have A LOT of tanks, and may need some of these tanks to be able to DPS when needed.

The two spec situations is more for Tanks and Healers than DPS. I believe we need somewhere in the range of 2-4 tanks, and 3-6 healers based on the encounters. If all healers/tanks only have their one spec, it can really screw the entire raid over. Be prepared.


Food. Potions. Make sure you have at least a stack of food (20) and a stack of potions (50). Also, try to keep enhancement buff potions on hand. This is a call to arms to ALL CRAFTERS. We need people who are ready and willing to help with all crafting needs. That said, DON'T EXPECT HANDOUTS. I've been hearing lately how some of our crafters are getting in the red because other guild members are not supporting mats and expecting others to just hand it over. This games economy isn't friendly. Supply mats. Give tips. They put the effort into making this craft available to the guild and leveling it, don't take advantage of their abilities!

Loot Rules -

We are finalizing some discussions on the officer side, both for making a FAIR and EASILY MANAGED loot system. As we make our decision, know that it will be final and not up for debate. If you have concerns, contact us directly via PM.

Raiding Roster -

Make sure you post your progress here! - http://alttabme.com/forum/index.php?threads/raiding-roster.4842/

If you have ANY questions, post them here or PM one of the officers. This is a GROUP effort guys and gals! Let's make it happen!
I like the sound of all this:) Let's keep getting people attuned. The reality is we don't have that far to go. World bosses take 2-3 days tops if you're using your play time to coordinate killing efforts.

There's also the option of teleporting someone in for end-silver boss kills (in-instance path summon to close gap as well). I know many disagree with me on this, but seeing how most of the 20 man raid fights are actually less movement intensive compared to last bosses in dungeons...I don't see an issue with this.
I like the sound of all this:) Let's keep getting people attuned. The reality is we don't have that far to go. World bosses take 2-3 days tops if you're using your play time to coordinate killing efforts.

There's also the option of teleporting someone in for end-silver boss kills (in-instance path summon to close gap as well). I know many disagree with me on this, but seeing how most of the 20 man raid fights are actually less movement intensive compared to last bosses in dungeons...I don't see an issue with this.

I more than approve of this feature. We won't be speed running raids. We will be only trying to execute the mechanics of the raids to kill the bosses and survive the death traps. Teleporting awesomeness is fair in my book. You're still executing the bosses as needed, and THAT is what it's all about.
I have cleaned up this post. If you wish to talk about alternate raid times please do so in a new post or talk to your officers in PM. This post is firm and has been decided by your leadership. It is important to not deviate from that specially in the beginning of starting a schedule. Not everyone will be happy, but that is the nature of the beast, the times were picked to accommodate the most people possible. Trust me Gyoin can't do it any other way he is too nice.

That being said, let's keep it on topic. Talk about HOW FUCKING EXCITED YOU ARE TO FINALLY RAID!
I know a lot of us are super excited for raid day. I found a YouTube clip on reddit that is just too funny:

Looking forward to it!
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