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Riga's Application

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New member

Age (must be 18+)

Do you have any friends in the guild? If so, who?
No but we can fix that lol

Main Character

Character Name


Engineer or Guardian

What role do you wish to play in the guild? For example: PvP, PvE, Casual/Social
Im a die hard pver during the day time and late night pvp kind of person. Enjoy a social guild as well that can handle a good dirty joke during a raid or just late night shit n giggles during craft grind sessions.

Which previous MMO's or online games have you played and how long for?
Played Daoc from launch till wow came out. Then wow till just a few months back. Gave swtor a shot..can i get my $60 back? Rift,Warhammer Online,Bloody Req,Rapplez.....do i need to list all the games i was hoping would save me from the boredome of wow? lol

Were you a part of a guild? What was your experience?
Always been part of guilds throughout my experiences playing mmo's. Last one i was in was named Covenant and I personaly was 6/8 Heroic Mode Dragon Soul. ( Hope that doesnt come off like bragging cuz it didnt make my penis bigger nor can i put it on a job resume /cry)

How did you hear about the Guild?
Happen to come accross a youtube podcast. Enjoyed the humour and laid back chill enviroment.

What will you bring to the ALTTABME community? (Chatty? Skilled? Funny? Helping?)
Lifes not worth living without some guild chat bullshitting and good times. Hope to mesh well and find some brothers from another mothers kind of relationships.

Will Arcanix be the only guild you join?
If yall will accept me most def.

Is there anything else you would like to throw in here at the end?
Im just a pierced/tattooed up 31 year old dad of two boys whos figured out a way to sucker my wife into playing mmo's with me. Enjoy a good beer when the kids are sleeping and I like to crack jokes (when the times appropriate..ok some times when its not but i get yelled at by the wife). I enjoy a good healing class. Cant wait for gw2 to release in Aug (which i will buy copy that morning). Hope to hear from yall..and yes I know my spelling sucks lol
We've been having this issue lately that applications aren't standing out. Like, nothing more than the usually "I game and chat". We're starting to put more criticism on our acceptance policies due to the higher flow of apps lately, and I just don't really see anything... above and beyond? =/

I'm on the fence. You seem like a good guy, but I'm not sold.
We've been having this issue lately that applications aren't standing out. Like, nothing more than the usually "I game and chat". We're starting to put more criticism on our acceptance policies due to the higher flow of apps lately, and I just don't really see anything... above and beyond? =/

I'm on the fence. You seem like a good guy, but I'm not sold.

Gonna have to agree with Gyoin on this.
I dunno I am OK with this guy :) Seems laid back and chill. So you got me but that is only 1 out of two... can you convince them? :p
This makes me nervous however: Enjoy a social guild as well that can handle a good dirty joke during a raid or just late night shit n giggles during craft grind sessions.

Also you do realize we are NOT super PvP oriented and more FUN oriented since you seem to loves the PvP I don't want you to be disappointed.

All I picture is creepy voice in the mic.
Ok i guess i didnt sell myself good enough on the first post/app. Im not a hardcore pvper..only do it late at night if im drunk and had stressfull day at work. Pve is were im at. Im a reliable person who shows up when he says he will show up. Not big on flakes and fakes kinda thing. Huge night owl that likes to stay up to the wee hours of the morning just goofing around or leveling up alts. I find late at night is the best time to do crafts cuz then i dont feel like im missing out on questing with guild mates while they are online during the day. I def dont mind helping people out either by supplying spare mats or just general info in game. Im not looking for anything hardcore as in the since of rushing to end game and being bored...been there done that no bueno this time around. If your looking for something that sticks out..well then ill just leave by saying im awesome sauce. Creepy voice? naah unless you consider when vent makes me sound younger than i actually am.
Seem like a cool dude. Only thing would be to check the grammar a bit as tr1age is known to be quite a bit picky about that sort of stuff (putting it lightly ;))

P.S. also posted to ask - are we all supposed to have access to approving/disapproving guild applications?
Alright, guess I'll have to join the bandwagon on this one. +1 here.

(And Falkner, it's meant for the officers. Input is appreciated but we have the final say :p)
Seem like a cool dude. Only thing would be to check the grammar a bit as tr1age is known to be quite a bit picky about that sort of stuff (putting it lightly ;))

P.S. also posted to ask - are we all supposed to have access to approving/disapproving guild applications?

We keep it open to input as Gyoin said from all members. But yes we do the final call.

I am on the fence here, so I will accept the app for now. We will get to know you better when release happens :)
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