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Road Turds


New member
I've been driving for more than a couple of few days now and the amount of craptacular drivers (turds) on the road is still a thing of wonder for me. I marvel at the audacity of people that think they're the only person on the road, and often fantasize about installing James Bond-esque weaponry into my vehicle to use as asphalt toilet paper.

The latest perpetrator to burn brown rubber was identified as I was trying to turn left out of a neighborhood road onto a major road. As this road turd got closer to the line of cars at the stop light in front of him, he looked right at me and we definitely locked eyes. I did the courteous nod-the-head thing (which he didn't return - 1st indication of a road turd) and then assumed that he would continue moving forward. Nope, he stopped a good 20-25 ft before the car in front of him... just at the point where half of his car was blocking me from turning left.

He got a quick honk and when he looked towards me I threw my hands up and made a motion to the distance between him and the vehicle in front of him. No response.

I've stepped out of my vehicle in the past and have knocked on windows (being a big guy has its benefits), but since the light was about to turn I just shook my head at him and moved on.

If Dante had written the Divine Comedy today, I'm pretty sure that one of the circles would have been reserved for Road Turds.
I have bouts of road rage, that really just turn into me being kind of an asshole. Otherwise I am one of the least dangerous people I know. I don't even let the GF drive mostly.
You find fun and creative ways to piss those people off. I enjoy getting in front of them and doing the speed limit, then not letting them pass me. Works like a charm every time.
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