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Rolo's Application

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Adam Tubby

Age (must be 18+)

Where are you from? (timezone)

Do you have any friends who are Members? If so, who?

Character Name(s)
Rolo/Trixx/Triggah mostly used when i was 12 probably somthing like MONSTER!

What games do you wish to play with the alttabme community?
Honestly im a casual gamer but i do find myself more interested in MMORPG fantasy

Class/Race(if applicable)
i do find myself playing small rogues alot

What role do you wish to play in the guild? For example: PvP, PvE, Casual/Social
im a hardcore pvper i love PvE but nothing pleases me more than punishing people in PVP!

Which previous MMO's or online games have you played and how long for?
DAoC you may of herd of i played this for 8 years on and off WoW for a couple of years and ill lista few
SWG,Planetside 1 and 2,SWTOR,Defiance,Battlefield,GTA's
a variety :)

Were you a part of a guild? What was your experience?
i have been in guild in the past for certain games never really a community and i have a family and children so i would prefer to be part of a laid back community that i can pop in and say hello and know someone is always there would be great for me :D plus im a great guy......... ;o

How did you hear about the AltTabMe?
im pretty sure i saw a 3 way video with a couple of guys talking about wildstar on youtube REMOVED BY ADMIN

What will you bring to the ALTTABME community? (Chatty? Skilled? Funny? Helping?)
im a laugh i love cracking a joke here and there i would say im an above average gamer very competitive and want to make a name for myself in any game i play tbh ;o

How much time do you spend a week on games?
i play alot i can go 2 days without playing but i can go 7 days with playing 4-7 hours a night

Is there anything else you would like to throw in here at the end?
Its nice to see rules and regulations in place i hope i get an invite and accepted into the community REMOVED BY ADMIN cheers guys speak soon. just to add i put yes but i havnt in the box bellow i am searching forums now to have some chats. couldnt really choose the no option just didnt sound like me :O

Have you finished all of the prerequisite requirements?
Yes (I read and replied to the rules, I understand I must be active on the forums to stay on the roster, and I have a minimum of 1-2 posts(other than this application), and I made sure those posts weren't just bullshit)
just to add i put yes but i havnt in the box bellow i am searching forums now to have some chats. couldnt really choose the no option just didnt sound like me :O

We will wait for you to get to know us a bit and look around the forums before taking this further. Also PLEASE USE CAPITALIZATION lawl :)

Other than that also please avoid reference to anything NDA.
We will wait for you to get to know us a bit and look around the forums before taking this further. Also PLEASE USE CAPITALIZATION lawl :)

Other than that also please avoid reference to anything NDA.
lol dude thats why i have mumble im so bad at english. This is all out of pot luck really and because you killed me. cheers for looking at app so quick tho mate.
lol wut.

Between your posts and this app, I don't even know wtf happened. I know you've said your English isn't very good but... Yikes.

This is all out of pot luck really and because you killed me.

This app is being denied without the possibility to re-apply. Sorry. Please feel free to be on the forums. But after this show, we have no room for people who break both community rules and Carbine's EXPLICITLY STATED NDA rules.[DOUBLEPOST=1372816489,1372816227][/DOUBLEPOST]

You are now permanently banned from this community.
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