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Salutations fellow gamers


New member
Hi guys, girls, shemales, leprechauns, names Jason been playing games for god knows how long haha. just completed uni doing music, hoping to be an epic composer for game and film *fingers crossed*.

Been searching for a community that i could be apart of outside and in-game. Been in a few, but all of them disbanded after a while :(. so i'm hoping this could be the one. everyone seems really friendly and there seems to be a really good vibe.

So here's to making new friends and gaming to are hearts content :)
Hey welcome! Weekends people go out and actually do things or tend to lurk in the shadows :) So hang around, wait for work to start back up and you should get a bunch of people to chillax with! :)
Hey welcome! Weekends people go out and actually do things or tend to lurk in the shadows :) So hang around, wait for work to start back up and you should get a bunch of people to chillax with! :)

Thanks. Haha, thought it was pretty quite but yeah ill stick around and have browse :).
Hello and welcome! You have a cool looking cat, I like that. Since you're so into music what is your favourite instrument?
Thanks guys.

haha yeah he's quite cool.
Really like string instruments, but guitar would probably be my favorite. Tried learning it but failed lol, what about you?
Thanks guys.

haha yeah he's quite cool.
Really like string instruments, but guitar would probably be my favorite. Tried learning it but failed lol, what about you?
I really love the sound of the harpsichord, definitely my favourite by far! (Bet you didn't expect that, ha!) But I've never tried learning the harpsichord. My cat does similar things, she actually usually lays on the pillows next to me when Im playing games, cause I play sitting on my bed too, lol.
Hi :).
yeah harpsichord was bit of a surprise lol, you should give it a try could be really good at it :).

haha same
Welcome. Do you play in any kind of band or was a music degree more about studying it over playing it? Do you write anything?
Thanks, was more music production. i did once play in a band but it was crap XD. I actually posted some stuff in the artiest section :)
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