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Wildstar Services Thread


Crazy German Guy
Hi all,

I thought it would be good to have a thread where we post stuff that people can provide.
Here is a Spreadsheet where you can put your Information in:
Member Name, Alt Name and Char Name should be pretty straightforward. In Tradeskill 1+2 please put your tradeskill and the Tier you are currently on. In other you can put things that have nothing to do with Tradeskills, like "I am good at decorating houses" @tr1age or "I found a lot of those Recipies." Also fell free to add more categories if you feel like it.


Tier 3 Armorsmith here.

I also have tier 3 in all gathering, but currently limited by level on actual gather tier 3 materials.
I have some armorsmith schematics I'll mail your way, when I can make it in.
Good to know where to send stuff. Weaponsmith here, only Tier 1 at the moment.

My Medic is also a Tier 1 Architect.

I'll update as I level stuffs.

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I am going technologist (T1) and relic hunter (T2).
Thinking of doing cheapness spec for technologist, not sure for relic hunter yet.
Btw. only post here if you are willing to provide your services for the guild. Why somebody would not do that is out of my understanding, but hey, just reminding people.

edith says: When your In-game name is different from your forum game it would be good to let me know.
Added you people to the first post.

This will work well since I can update the list if you cannot be on. Actually maybe a Google docs so people can edit/update as they go. I can't do that right now since I am at work.

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This will work well since I can update the list if you cannot be on. Actually maybe a Google docs so people can edit/update as they go. I can't do that right now since I am at work.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

I´m making one. I will update this post and first post as soon as it is done. I would still keep the first post up to date as long as it is manageable.

edith says: It is done, here is what you should do (it´s also on the spreadsheet for now)
Member Name, Alt Name and Char Name should be pretty straightforward. In Tradeskill 1+2 please put your tradeskill and the Tier you are currently on. In other you can put things that have nothing to do with Tradeskills, like "I am good at decorating houses" tr1age or "I found a lot of those Recipies." Also fell free to add more categories if you feel like it.

I´m making one. I will update this post and first post as soon as it is done. I would still keep the first post up to date as long as it is manageable.

Sounds great! Stickied this!

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Yes, there is a way to embed the google doc.

Use the Google Docs Viewer tags.
gview /gview

Also, I've added my info. I also put other plans, formulas, and catalysts in the gbank. Have at them.
Yes, there is a way to embed the google doc.

Use the Google Docs Viewer tags.
gview /gview

Also, I've added my info. I also put other plans, formulas, and catalysts in the gbank. Have at them.

Thx, now the problem is though:
[raw]<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lPXhypaSUaMk-A2hrUVPMM8Me3VF8yl9t0wiQQAx7kc/pubhtml?widget=true&amp;headers=false"></iframe>[/raw]
Honestly I don't remember what you need to do, but you have to make the file public or some shit. If Jia was still around he would remember.

I´ve looked the issue up, apparently the problem is that the Url is automatically getting changed when you submit the post. Here the raw url that Google gives you when you say "publish": https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lPXhypaSUaMk-A2hrUVPMM8Me3VF8yl9t0wiQQAx7kc/pubhtml

Also I´ve mess around with it, tried to put it into raw format it just tells me:
Sorry you can't use this Bb Code
So i was gonna do techmologist, but i realized the yellowbell and spirovine and other things of that nature are too precious for my cooking. So imma switch to tailor. Ill be offering free meals to raiders, and supplying food and light armor for the guild for a price.
So i was gonna do techmologist, but i realized the yellowbell and spirovine and other things of that nature are too precious for my cooking. So imma switch to tailor. Ill be offering free meals to raiders, and supplying food and light armor for the guild for a price.

Price? Sexual favors?

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
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