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Pierre C.

New member
Your Name
Pierre C.
How old are you?
Do you have any friends in the guild? If so, who?
Not yet :(
Main Character
Right now I have a lvl 18 Mesmer Human not really liking the class at the moment. I will be going Human Necro, elemental, or Warrior at launch.
Character Name:

What role do you wish to play in the guild? For example: PvP, PvE, Casual/Social
Pve dynamic events, Dungeons, ingame events, and Some Intense WvW.

Which previous MMO's or online games have you played and how long for?
-Played Swtor for about 3 months and played in open beta. Had A level 50 chiss Sniper, A level 50 Jedi Sentinel Mirialan, and Level 32 Zabrak Sith Inquisitor currently not active in swtor.

-Played Rift for a short while 2 months max. Have a level 34 Mage that spec Necromancer, Pyromancer, and elemental currently not active in Rift.

-Played Aion For about 7 Months with friends. Loved the game but was really grindy and too many gold sellers in the game, but that was before it went f2p and i had to play a sub fee off $15.00 :(
Created a Elyos Human Ranger level 34 then wanted to rerolled with a friend started over with a Human Chanter Asmodians Level 41.

-Played DC universe online for about a month an a half recently. Have a level 30 Hero that with flight and Ice spec.

-Played World of Warcraft on and off throughout 5 years Have a level 85 Paladin blood elf, 65 human mage, and 77 Worgen Warlock.

-Played Guild Wars 1 when the game first came out got to level 20. (that was the max level at the time) Didn't purchase any expansion Switch over to World of Warcraft.

-Right Now I'm Currently in close Beta for The Secret World been playing for about two months not sure If i will purchase the game at launch still needs alot of work also not to happy about the $15.00 sub fee.

-Tried Tera open beta the game was ok not to happy about the Late added PvP and monthly fee for that game.

-Currently playing Smite, League of Legends, and d3.

How did you hear about the Guild?
From watching the live stream on Twitch and listening to the Podcast earlier today. I was Pfizzle23.

What will you bring to the ALTTABME community? (Chatty? Skilled? Funny? Helping?)
Talking Looking to Help when I can, Looking to play Socially with others and level together, I also looking forward to group PvP.

Will Arcanix be the only guild you join?
Yes I love watching the daily stream Looking to join a support guild that helpful, supportive, and Look to have fun and enjoy the game.

Is there anything else you would like to throw in here at the end?
Keep up the good work streaming on Twitch Looking to do WvW at the launch with u guys.
Also have a Vent and Mumble installed. Razer Deathadder and Razer Carcharias Head Phones.
Haha I'm sure Tr1age will be happy about the decent head sets. He hates it when we sound like crap. XD

But yeah, I'm seeing a lot of different games on here. Kind of a mix of long term WoW and Aion, and then peppered in a bunch of games here and there. Can't blame you on that one, we all do it. A couple things I would like some expansion information on though if you could. Did you have any long term guild interactions in these two games? I see in Aion you played with friends, did you stay close knit or were you guys a part of a larger community? And in WoW, how was your guild experience there? Did you do much organized pvp / raids with them?

Just trying to get a grasp on your community experience / input. :)
No in Aion we went to a Lan Center in a town near by about 5 of us and sit besides each other and play we all join a serious pvp guild called The Pumpkin Pirates at the time it was about 200+ ppl We would Do PvP Abyss Raids flying around trying to take over keeps that elyos has taken over (world pvp I guess u could say). Every Tuesday and Thursday that was fun back then, and with WoW I have all the current expansions. No other expansions in aion or Guild wars 1 was working two job at the time didn't have much time to game that much Right now I'm with a guild called Benevolent Alliance dragon B light severs doing Dungeons and soon raids when I get level 85 on my worgen. Back when I was first playing WoW was in a guild with my roommates around when Burning crusade came out Did endgame contents there with my 85 blood elf pally played through Wrath of the Lich King rerolled a blood elf druid stop around lever 30 stop playing focus on League of Legends. In the beginning of the year I recently we re: Subscribe to WoW to play Cataclysm also during that time I was trying out SWTOR maxing out to characters and was on two main guild The Reddit Republic for my jedi and The Reddit Empire for my chiss sniper for the sever Death Wind Corridor the guild disassembled when the subscription dropped in numbers. So i went back to WoW and started all over with my Worgen but Played GW2 loved the game not happy About the class I choose (mesmer), but I will be looking to enjoy the ends and out of the game Just would like to join a good community of gamer's and to have fun.
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