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So, I just watched Eureka Seven. [Spoilers]


New member
And I'm kind of torn on how I feel about it.

The concept seems really cool. But I feel like the execution of everything could've been a lot better.
The plotline aside from the concept of coralians and all that was simply Renton saying, "I have to protect Eureka" and then Eureka crying and then saying "Renton."

And holy fucking jesus eyebrows. I waited TWENTY EPISODES for that girl to get EYEBROWS. I feel like my drive to watch the entire anime was to simply make sure she got what she deserved.

And then ending was... generic? I guess. I've seen too many animes with the whole "main character becomes god" thing.
Overall though, there were some pretty good parts. I feel like the first 15-20 episodes were the best and then the anime kind of fell off--that's just me though. I wouldn't doubt it's another one of those FMA situations. Thoughts?
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