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Someone Help Me!!!


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I am about to die of boredom... for the past 2 48s Ive had off, I have sat inside not doing anything (no gaming, nor anything productive). I need some gaming stimulation!!!

If anyone wants to play DC Universe Online, Allods, or some other mmo that's free. Let me know, just need something to take up my time and would rather play with a guildee than alone :(
We've been doing a mix of minecraft, blacklight, left4dead, and some people have even picked up maplestory and gunbound. lawl.
Yea, I wish I played those... nothing really keeps my attention like an MMO does though. I played BF3 for a week and got bored lol
Yea, I'll prob pick up DCUO again. It's fun leveling a character, and the character creator is cool! Anyone want to join me!?!?
i have a bunch of maxed out dcuo charaacters, but never really had fun playing it, just bored :(
I'll play DCUO sometime! I'll download it again. You in the steam group? I have a somewhat leveled Rifle/Gadget dude, but I always kinda wanted to try a Nature with a hammer or something. I'll roll with you if yer down.
There's always League of Legends. Quite a few of us play it.
I also play :) So if you ever want to play some normal games together just let me know! Also If anyone's interested, I'm Playing GW a lot recently so if anyone wants to play that as well....

Ah... What do i do until GW2? >.>
Personally waste time on League of Legends. There's also Aion which has been free for a few months, but it's a major grind.
I tried to play Aion again but I only lasted about 10 minutes. After playing GW2, I find it near impossible to play anything else.
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