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Wildstar Spicy's Attuneapalooza


New member
OKAY. Saturday 5PM to me not keeping my eyes open any longer (6AM-ish), and then Sunday past 1 PM I'll be here to help attune people. If you still need your attuning for raiding, pick a time so we can have the rest of the group show up and get you through ALL THE THINGS!
Hopefully our group grabs it sat, if not I'll hit you up and we'll get a little weird with a blind chick, a vag hammer, a fire crotch... and a shadow lady
sounds like fun!! I'll try to be on and tag along for the heals! (I still all the dungeons for attunement too)
Ive finally finished everything for the day, so ill be on the rest of saturday also or at least until 6pm (ish) american time and would love to get some attuneament back on track
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who was helping out this weekend to get people attuned. I was part of some of those groups and the dedication is phenomenal!

I'm planning on making a second thread to keep the momentum going for this week, but I plan on making myself available most nights to help where I am needed.

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I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who was helping out this weekend to get people attuned. I was part of some of those groups and the dedication is phenomenal!

I'm planning on making a second thread to keep the momentum going for this week, but I plan on making myself available most nights to help where I am needed.

Yes, +1 on this. Super appreciative for carrying helping me through SSM this weekend and with subsequent boss kills! I'm helping Mosby on SSM tonight and will be focusing my time on make sure (when I am on) scouting for as many world bosses as possible and tanking those for whoever needs them!
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