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Spladian's Application

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New member

Age (must be 18+)

Do you have any friends in the guild? If so, who?
No - I found your guild looking for GW2 information

Main Character
Spladian of GW2?

Character Name

Human - Subject to change

Mesmer for BWE2, Considering Ranger or Elementalist for Live

What role do you wish to play in the guild? For example: PvP, PvE, Casual/Social
I like the PVE that Anet has shown so far with their BWEs. Their SPvP was pretty polished and fun as well. It would have been even more fun to utilize team tactics over vent, but that will come. I'm competent in whichever class I main and would really enjoy spending time with a like-minded group of older individuals who know how to lead, and know how to follow.

Which previous MMO's or online games have you played and how long for?
-WoW, 2004-2006 - quit after An Kiraj? Hunter main that could melee warriors in duels (had the famous Ash Candy sword - so fun as a hunter)
- FFXI, Leveled a few jobs with a main as a BLM to 54.
- Aion - max lvl tank. Was the raid leader in a dual vent setup with guild leaders in on vent leading their guilds in another.
- WarHammer - Played the game for a while, but not necessarily within a guild environment
- Rift Tried it - but my passion for road cycling was greater than this game
- Almost forgot Tera. Played a Warrior(45) as their combat was supposed to be the hardest, but it just ended up feeling gimmicky.

Were you a part of a guild? What was your experience?
Yes, I've had roles to include supporting the main cast as a random DPS, being the main off-tank, being the main tank under the guild leader, being a co-leader and leading raids in a dual vent setup.

How did you hear about the Guild?
I found your web-site looking for Guild Wars 2 information and was very impressed with the organization and clean look of the site.

What will you bring to the ALTTABME community? (Chatty? Skilled? Funny? Helping?)
I try to be helpful, always on vent to listen and chat, and am a pretty easy going person. I realize that I'm not as young as the core gamer audience these days, but that doesn't mean I still don't enjoy a good game. There just haven't been that many to play IMO in the last few years. Also knowing that some people have much more time to play, I know that even though I can look through alot of the information on line for tips and tricks, listening to more tenured mates for tips and tricks will be perfectly fine.

Bottom Line: I'm looking to contribute to the fun-factor of everyone involved.

Will Arcanix be the only guild you join?
Yes, I'm not looking to Multi-guild. Just one. Any relation to the Aracanum guild of Malygos from days gone by in WoW?

Is there anything else you would like to throw in here at the end?
Looking forward to the 28th, and having some good folks to play and chat with. Thank you for your consideration!
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