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[Spoilers] Hearthstone - Blackrock Boss Fights


Added [Spoilers] into the title because solving these puzzles is the best part of the adventure. I know some people don't play that often, so hopefully these notes can be referenced if you're stuck on a boss.

Coren Direbrew was a quick + fun puzzle to solve. His hero power summons a random minion from your deck and he taps it every turn.

I'll post my deck list, but I think I already deleted it.
Wait until you get to the class challenges. They are fun as hell!
I'll post my deck list, but I think I already deleted it.

Do share! We might get ideas from each for the heroics.

Dark Iron Arena/High Justice Grimstonem, Normal Mode. Dude basically has a deck full of legendaries, and a hero power that summons a 1/1 taunt to protect them. As such, the boss's tempo is very slow.

I feel like the enemy hero power is just there to protect against rush decks. I went with a weapons/control warrior. Lots of heals, armor to save health when using weapons.

So the first deck I used on the Grim Guzzler, Normal I don't have any longer.

It was a gimmick deck based on his hero power. I used a Priest deck which I threw together with as many taunts and heals as I could and just hoped I could out last him. I got lucky with some thoughtsteals that helped me through the early game. I also used KelThuzad which he so graciously pulled from my deck onto the board. From there I had board control and just did what I could to keep it. Things got dicey when I had Auchenai Soulpriest and a Lightwell up that I couldn't kill. It kept going to my face healing/damaging me.

Dark Iron Arena, Normal I was lucky to get on first try.

I used my standard Oil Rogue that I run thinking I could make use of the Fan of Knives if I get overrun. Rogue was a great choice because my hero power made sure the 1/1 taunts stayed off the board. I felt like this encounter was very scripted and would be an easy counter.


Emperor Thaurissan, Normal was scary at first and did take me a few tries but once I understood his deck it was easy to work around.

I used a freeze and spell power heavy Mage build. Got lucky with a unstable portal which helped my board control early. At one point I froze him and was able to get off a 6dmg ice lance for 0 mana followed up by a 12 dmg pyroblast to finish him next turn.

Such a no-brainer to use Druid or Rogue for Dark Iron Arena. I didn't think of it since I went in with Warrior from the get-go. I'll probably go that route for heroic. I'm almost there.

I beat Emperor Thaurissan, normal with my same Warrior control deck posted for Dark Iron.
I went in not knowing about the wife card, so I had a few Sludge Belchers that I couldn't play. I did get some use out of an Annoyotron (1 dmg). I feel like a turn 6 or 7 aggro deck w/o taunts would be best. I'm going to give it a try after the heroics.
Just beat Dark Iron Arena, Heroic in a super cheesy game mechanic exploiting way.

I named this deck Cheese Freeze because I abused the game's AI to my advantage. I was in full defensive mode from the get go dropping Snowchugger and Mirror Image just trying to last through my card draw. He dropped Nat Pagle - I ignored. He dropped a Sylvanas Windrunner - I polymorphed. He dropped Gruul - I vaporized. Al-akir - Black Knight. Onyxia - Ice lanced. Lorewalker Cho ---- SCORE.

By this time his board was full of whelps, Onyxia, Pagle and Cho. His hand was also almost full. I drop the card that turned this battle for me: Frost Nova. It added it to his hand. I ping him with my hero power to start dropping his life. At this point I've got maybe a dozen or more cards left. He draws, plays Frost Nova, adds it back into my hand. His board is now full and he can't play anything else.

Back to my turn. Frost nova. Adds it back into his hand. Ping and use any of my cards I can at this point. Now he draws, discards because hand is full, and if I'm lucky Pagle also draws a second discarded card. The only card he can play is Frost Nova so he does it again.

We trade Frost Nova's back and forth the rest of the game. I make sure to play it first so he get's the card back in his hand. Then I can play other things like Fireball, Frostbolt, Dragon's Breath, and Pyroblast and since his hand is full he doesn't get any of those cards. Eventually he runs out of cards to draw and starts taking fatigue damage which helps me finish him off.

Now is this the only way he can be beaten? Hell no. It was 100% luck. But these heroics are all about finding a niche in the cards that you have to beat the scenario. Lots of fun once I figured out this was gonna work.

Grim Guzzler/Coren Direbrew, Heroic

My first video, ever. Audio is busted. But it's 3 straight heroic wins with a druid deck.

Just beat Dark Iron Arena, Heroic in a super cheesy game mechanic exploiting way.

So perfect. I waited until now to read this because I hadn't beaten it yet. I wish I had thought of it!

I ended up using...

a paladin bubble taunt deck with some equality combos for board clears. I got it on the second try, but only because I MC'd a Fuegen with a tech and killed his Stalagg first... so I got the 11/11. Lucky. Just kept it protected and took it to the face until game over. Good news is the deck took me past turn 10 both times, which is something I had trouble with the other times.

The last guy I am still working on from wing one on normal. I think with my new Shaman deck I can take him out with some bloodlusting.
Just beat Emperor Thaurissan, Heroic...

Nowhere near as hard as the second boss, imo.

  • Mulligan for BoW + Humilation on the wifey.
  • Silence the deathrattle tanks.
    • If no silence is avail, BoK wifey, then humiliate her.
  • Ooze for weps, mainly that 4/2 one with the 1dmg aoe deathrattle whose name I forget.
  • Has a lot of self heals.
  • Blessed champ for the KB only.
  • Win.

Heroic Ragnaros

Starts off as the Major (30 +15). When you kill him, he becomes Ragnaros (30 +30). That's 105 dmg you need to deal...

Top that that off with an initial hero power that summons a 3/3, ~5 8/8 giants once the Major is at low health, and then Rag's hero power to deal 8 dmg to 2 random targets (you can be targeted, too).

Paladin bubble/KT deck.


Sadly, KT doesn't win this. Major/Rag has a few spells in his deck that can dwindle KT's health down, so sac minions to keep the board clear and refresh bubbles as often as possible. The good news is that coming into the Rag phase you'll hopefully have enough crap on the board so his hero power isn't guaranteed to kill you.

Lot's of Equality combos here to deal with the giants including Avenging Wrath, Consecrate, and Unstable Ghoul.

Mulligan for Blessing of Wisdom and Equalities.

Truesilver Champion for minion control.

Took me about 5 tries.
Heroic Garr

Pretty self explanatory. Silence the 0/5s or steal them. The Lightwells can help you out, but take up a bit of board space once you finally manage to drop a Grim Patron.
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