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State of the Game on Reddit

Red Omen

New member
This is worth a read.

The good news is, they're aware of the issues with mail, the trading post, and partying - a lot of the things we've been concerned about.

The bad news - and this is extremely important - is that several players have been permanently banned for exploiting a bug regarding karma prices for cultural weapon vendors. This demonstrates that ArenaNet is taking a hard line against such offenses. Buying one or two weapons by mistake did not earn a ban, only buying the weapons in numbers indicative of malicious intent (i.e. to game the system and wreak havoc on the economy).

If you encounter a discrepancy like this, please do the right thing and tell ArenaNet immediately. Don't post about it here, don't tell anyone else, and certainly don't try to take advantage of it yourselves. I don't want to see any of you disappear. Regardless of whether you agree with the harshness of the punishment, use your judgment and do what you can to keep Guild Wars 2 a fun experience.
Instead of starting a new thread, I'm gonna tack this on since it directly relates to the exploit part.

There is also another article on RockPaperShotgun.com that quotes the Reddit a bit more and also mentions the fact that ArenaNet has halted direct download sales on their website for the time being.


Arenanet have permanently banned 3,000 players from Guild Wars 2 for taking advantage of an exploit that allowed them to craft high level weapons at “one thousandth of their normal price.” An emergency patch has closed the loophole and players that “significantly” exploited it have been thrown out of the game. 72 hour suspensions were dished out to lesser offenders.
Good, exploits and people that take advantage of them piss me off. Good on them to offer them a chance to fix what they've exploited, but hopefully that will be a one-time thing like they mentioned. Thanks to assholes like them, that's probably why ArenaNet is having to throttle the Trading Post availability.
I like the fact that they've banned people.
The game is just out, and wham - right off the bat, Anet is making a statement. The people who bought the weapons en masse were well aware of the fact that what they were doing wasn't right. They simply thought they could get away with exploiting their find instead of reporting it as the bug that it was.
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