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Wildstar Subforums


Staff member
Tell me what you guys want now that the game is released and I will make it happen.
I don't think we'll need to break out each class/tradeskills, but having a subforum for those would be a good place to direct discussion. I could also see raiding/dungeons and warplot/pvp.
The less subforums the better. So Like Simpwn is doing, try to combine things like Classes can be their own forum, Raiding/Dungeons/Pve their own, Warplots/PvP/Open World can be it's own, Tradeskills/Resources

  • Classes/Guides
  • PvE/Raiding/Dungeons/
  • PvP/Warplots/OpenWorld
  • Tradeskills/Resources
The less subforums the better. So Like Simpwn is doing, try to combine things like Classes can be their own forum, Raiding/Dungeons/Pve their own, Warplots/PvP/Open World can be it's own, Tradeskills/Resources

  • Classes/Guides
  • PvE/Raiding/Dungeons/
  • PvP/Warplots/OpenWorld
  • Tradeskills/Resources

This is a good list.
I'm on board with this idea. Would be a good place to coordinate groups, ask questions, and possibly offer up extra decor that you might want to give away.
The official forums has a Housing subforum with decent activity, so if we think there would be enough interest it's worth a consideration.

For some reason, I also like the number 5 than 4 when looking at a list. So I would support adding one more subforum :)

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The less subforums the better. So Like Simpwn is doing, try to combine things like Classes can be their own forum, Raiding/Dungeons/Pve their own, Warplots/PvP/Open World can be it's own, Tradeskills/Resources

  • Classes/Guides
  • PvE/Raiding/Dungeons/
  • PvP/Warplots/OpenWorld
  • Tradeskills/Resources
I think this is a fantastic list. I really would like a place for housing. Possibly housing, collecting, achievements as extreme decorating can be compared to achievement hounding.. or housing and events/community endeavors? Especially as they have confirmed gulid neighborhoods will come in later. And I think the aesthetics portion of housing is just as important as getting together and making sensible housing plots for biome/raid teleports, crafting, and fun shit like arenas and skateparks that are very expensive. There we could also talk about other community endeavors like current 'to do list' of influence and guild money, upcoming events, housing parties, blah blah blahh. Otherwise I'm with crake in just stuffing it in tradeskills/resource.
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