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We have all at one time wished we had some kind of super power. There are a ton of options available, but if you were given the choice of one ability what would it be? I'd like to see what kind of discussion we could get going.

  • Would you use your power for good or evil?
  • For the benefit of others or the benefit of oneself?
  • Why is your power better than some others?

Here are some available options. Don't feel like you need to limit yourself to them.

Well obviously attractive female would be one and I want to be able to read minds. That is all I want honestly.

I guess a close second is teleportation.
I'm a little confused by the "Insanely Rich" superpower.

It's really hard to decide on just one superpower but if I had to chose just one, I would go with...Superspeed.

This was a tough decision. With superspeed I can get all of my days work done in a jiffy and have time to spend with my wife. I would make sure she didn't have to work since I could do multiple jobs in a day. Which in turn makes me a quadrillionaire from being supereffective and advancing in companies which in turn lets me buy said company.

My second choice would have been flying.
I personally think telekinesis has the potential to be the strongest super power there is. Why you ask? Because with enough control over telekenetic powers you can translate it over to what other people have as a singular power. For example, the power of flight. Sure thing Nathan Patrelli, it's cool you can fly around a and all, but l look at our friend Cable. He's "flying" by picking himself up with his telekinesis, plus he's hurling chunks of building at you. Oh, what's that pyro? You want to use your pyrokenisis? Well, guess what... Cable can move that fire around too. Oh, cool deal deadpool, your healing powers are keeping you alive through horrible cancer? Cool story bro, literally every second Cable is using telekinesis to keep the technophage in check so that he doesn't become a bionic killing machine that could literally destroy worlds with a thought....

Tl;Dr: Cable is a badass...
But I'd still prefer Forges ability to invent anything. Cause then I could do anything.
I personally would pick teleportation. The amount of time saved on traveling could open up SO many doors for me. Get a second job? Maybe. Have more free time and live a stress free life? Yeah, definitely. Need to work a little late, oh no worries boss I don't care about that rush hour traffic.

Also, what's the best about it is it's probably one of the least detectible super powers there is. I wouldn't want everyone knowing my business because you'll get the fanboys and the haters, and that would make life super difficult. People will think you OWE them because you have a super power - now you have to save the town, save the world, be at this place to fight a fire, now be here to stop a bank robbery. I want a super power, but also a normal life. But if I can teleport, no one other than my significant other needs to know. Just say "alright guys, see you later have a good night!" and pretend to walk to the car, or go to the bathroom or a private place and poof.

Also, traveling. OMG traveling. Would be so simple, cost so much less because no airfare, and it makes it SO much easier. I'm going to go on a limb and say with teleportation, you don't suffer the affects of jet lag. Obviously you'll still need to like...get adjusted to the schedule of the new country you're in...but you won't feel that lethargic, exhaustive feeling of having traveled for 13 hours, only to find it's 6 AM where you are and too bright to sleep.

I wouldn't use my power for evil...so no I'm not going to teleport into a bank vault and steal the money...but I also won't use it for good. I don't want people to think that it's my DUTY to help out. No, fuck that. I just want to live my life the best I can. :)
I actually find teleportation can be used pretty brutally if you think about it. For instance, nightcrawler once teleported a guy a mile straight up and let him go and teleported away. There was this other mutant teleporter chick that could choose what parts of people she teleported. If she managed to touch people during fights, shed teleport limbs off of them. Not that you'd have to use your power that way <3
Nah, like I said, low-key is my goal.

I don't want to be dropping people from 2 miles up, or giving fatal injuries every time I'm within touching distance of someone I'm pissed at.

Though the options are endless...so who knows...maybe I'll change my mind. Probably won't though :p
I would chose time manipulation. Any of the abilities to slow down, speed up, reverse, travel through, would be the strongest imo.

My personal favorite is the specific one Nicolas Cage has in Next. They describe it as looking into the future but it really is living through a moment then reverting time back to before that moment. A sort of do-over. Its most pronounced when he meets Jessica Biel in the restaurant and has to attempt several tries at the situation to find one where the outcome is what he wants.

If I had the power to "reset" time to an earlier point with the knowledge of the time I lived through I would be pretty damn invincible. Dodge bullets, win at stock trading, be a perfect athlete (with hard work to get the baseline physique needed), be a perfect gambler, never have that thing where you wish you came up with the perfect come back 5 minutes later. For me the big drawback of time manipulation or travel is that you are still living your set number of years on this earth, only not in a linear fashion. The "reset" ability lets you live those years making the best choices possible, and you even get to "remember" a much longer life.

And I would use it totally selfishly. I would be a supervillan, not to take over the world, or harm people. Just in the way that I would live my life outside the rules and do what I want. The best part about that is that no one but me would know I am doing it since to them it just looks like I made the right choices at every turn.

There would only be two true fears in life.
1. dying to something unexpected with no time to react.
A sniper bullet to the base of the head that would kill you instantly for example. Anything else you could go back and reset to before and dodge.
2. Never having a real relationship/love
You would have to have the strongest willpower in the world to not use it on your "inner circle" of friends and loved ones because once you do, you will have taken their free will away.

Other than those two, you would have all the money and free time in the world to do with what you want. Hell you could even steal, kill, and break most any law. If you get caught just reset and either do it better or don't do it.
I would chose time manipulation. Any of the abilities to slow down, speed up, reverse, travel through, would be the strongest imo.

My personal favorite is the specific one Nicolas Cage has in Next. They describe it as looking into the future but it really is living through a moment then reverting time back to before that moment. A sort of do-over. Its most pronounced when he meets Jessica Biel in the restaurant and has to attempt several tries at the situation to find one where the outcome is what he wants.

If I had the power to "reset" time to an earlier point with the knowledge of the time I lived through I would be pretty damn invincible. Dodge bullets, win at stock trading, be a perfect athlete (with hard work to get the baseline physique needed), be a perfect gambler, never have that thing where you wish you came up with the perfect come back 5 minutes later. For me the big drawback of time manipulation or travel is that you are still living your set number of years on this earth, only not in a linear fashion. The "reset" ability lets you live those years making the best choices possible, and you even get to "remember" a much longer life.

And I would use it totally selfishly. I would be a supervillan, not to take over the world, or harm people. Just in the way that I would live my life outside the rules and do what I want. The best part about that is that no one but me would know I am doing it since to them it just looks like I made the right choices at every turn.

There would only be two true fears in life.
1. dying to something unexpected with no time to react.
A sniper bullet to the base of the head that would kill you instantly for example. Anything else you could go back and reset to before and dodge.
2. Never having a real relationship/love
You would have to have the strongest willpower in the world to not use it on your "inner circle" of friends and loved ones because once you do, you will have taken their free will away.

Other than those two, you would have all the money and free time in the world to do with what you want. Hell you could even steal, kill, and break most any law. If you get caught just reset and either do it better or don't do it.

This entire scenario sounds REALLY friggen familiar to a book I read called Replay, by Ken Grimwood.
Pretty good read, I would suggest taking a look.
2. Never having a real relationship/love
You would have to have the strongest willpower in the world to not use it on your "inner circle" of friends and loved ones because once you do, you will have taken their free will away.

There's a british dramedy that tackles this. Interesting take on the superpower since he practically only uses it in his inner circle. There are certain limitations as well, but spoilers.

About Time (2013)
I was gonna take examples from About Time. I really liked the movie. It does a great job of showing the consequences and limitations of the power, or an aspect of the power. Although in the end I would have lived like the father did and not like the son chose to.
For sheer overpowered bullshit, the ability to siphon powers from others. Like Sylar/Peter Petrelli. That stuff is super OP. If not for being OP, then Super-Speed. As long as I can control it like The Flash, and not like Quicksilver (who perceives the world as horrifically slow all the time).
1. dying to something unexpected with no time to react.
A sniper bullet to the base of the head that would kill you instantly for example. Anything else you could go back and reset to before and dodge.
I thought in the movie Cage DOES dodge a bullet to the head in the forest area?
he dodged multiple bullets. The thing is that if you had any reaction time at all you would be able to reset imo. It would have to be instantaneous death.
It's like Wizards in Jim Butcher's Dresden Files novels. The only way to avoid a Wizard's Death Curse (pretty much the most powerful kind of magic) is to kill a wizard from a really long distance away so they can't target you with their dying breath.
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