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GW2 T6 Mat Farming Guide!


Staff member
Source: http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1ai1px/guidet6_mat_farming_location_guide/

T6 Mat Farm Guide

Much like many players, I'm dirt poor. I developed these runs in conjunction with a freind of mine. We're both working on Legendaries (Frostfang for him, Moot for myself) and don't really want to pay for our Gifts of Might and Magic. To remedy this, we're farming up all our T6 Mats.
This guide includes farms for:

  • Vicious Fangs
  • Ancient Bone
  • Vials of Powerful Blood
  • Elaborate Totems
  • Powerful Venom Sacs
  • Vicious Claws
  • Piles of Crystalline Dust
Non T6 Mats included:

  • Corrupted Lodestone
  • Charged Lodestone
  • Onyx Lodestone
Some things to note:

  • If the farming zone is full of bots, report them and try guesting on another server!
  • MF is highly recommended if you want some more rare drops. I personally use Spicy Pumpkin Cookies. But any MF Consumable is good.
  • These are developed to be "semi afkable" so you don't really have to worry about dieing unless you really aren't paying attention.

Vicious Fang/Vials of Powerful Blood Farm

Link to map
Here you will be killing Reef Skelk. Basically run from the Cove, north up the beach and back down, very simple.
Recommended Skills:

  • Speed Buffs (Signet of the Hunt, Signet of Shadow, Rampage as One, for example)
  • AoE Damage Skills (Any Ele, dagger storm, whirling axe)
There is no Veterans on this run. Average in 45 minutes was about 5-10 of each Vicious Fangs and Vials of Powerful Blood.

Powerful Venom Sac Farm

Link to map
Here you are killing Reef Riders (and young Reef Riders). We basically run around in a circle, klling all the falls in our path.
Recommended Skills:

  • Speed Buffs (Same as above)
There is 2 Veterans for this. Fights are straight forward. Watch for confusion and a reflection dome that they create. It will reflect all projectiles.

Vicious Claw and Ancient Bone Farms

Link to map
Here you are killing the Ice Brood Colossus and Corrupted Quaggan.
Recommended Skills:

  • Speed Buffs (Same as above)
  • The ability to dodge
Other noted drops:

  • Corrupted Lodestone
There are no veterans along this path.

Elaborate Totem/Ancient Bone Farm

Link to map
Here you are killing the Grawl.
Recommended Skills:

  • Speed Buffs
  • AoE Damage
  • AoE Pulls (Binding Chains, for example)
There are no veterans along this path. Tagging the "friendly rabbits" can also be benefical. They can drop loot. (For instance, when first developing this run, I tagged a rabbit, got an Unidentified Dye that turned into a Celestial. Good times)

Piles of Crystalline Dust/Charged Lodestone + Other Lodestones

(First picture) Here you are primarily killing the Sparks and Air Elementals + Vets. There is also Ice Elementals(Corrupted Lodestones) and Embers (Onyx Lodestone or Molten?) within the ring. There are multiple Veterans. You will need to open the Temple of Lyssa for this one.
(Second Picture) Here you are killing ONLY Sparks and Air Elementals. There is four total veterans. An event will spawn where a champion risen knight will appear. You will need to open the Temple of Dwayna for this one.
Note! The drop rate on the Charged Lodestone is low (as compared to say, the Corrupted Lodestones). The drop rate on the Crystalline dust is kind-of low, but factoring in the amount of incandescent dust that drops, the value of charged lodestones and the value of the Crystalline dust, we figure it's still a decent farm. Shocking Crystals are dropped often, and add up quickly, which can be sold for a good chunk of silver after every 30-40 minutes.
Recommended Skills:

  • Speed Buffs (Same as above)

Other notes:

  • I have not yet found a good place to farm Armored Scales outside of the WvWvW Borderlands Central Lake (the Krait there)
  • Don't forget, you can promote T5 materials to T6 ones!
  • Bring a friend! Having someone else to chat with/run with makes things less dull!
  • Listen to music!
Thanks for reading!
tl;dr: Southsun Cove is a great place to farm.
Wow...that is so unbelievably boring to do! Having a mesmer with full exotic MF gear, traveller runes + ascended rings + cookie buff...farming like this would put me to sleep in 15 mins.

I once tried elemental farming for an hour and had to stop playing I was so bored. Killing stuff over and over again is GW2 at its worst.

Do some dungeons, run some dragon group events, buy some investments, run some fractals...do INTERESTING stuff then simply buy your T6 materials. From casually running dragon events every day this month I've acquired 125 odd globs of ectoplasm. That's a pretty serious amount of money if I sold them.
Wow...that is so unbelievably boring to do! Having a mesmer with full exotic MF gear, traveller runes + ascended rings + cookie buff...farming like this would put me to sleep in 15 mins.

I once tried elemental farming for an hour and had to stop playing I was so bored. Killing stuff over and over again is GW2 at its worst.

Do some dungeons, run some dragon group events, buy some investments, run some fractals...do INTERESTING stuff then simply buy your T6 materials. From casually running dragon events every day this month I've acquired 125 odd globs of ectoplasm. That's a pretty serious amount of money if I sold them.

I dunno I like farming :p
I like both. If I get bored of one, I do the other. I usually farm when I'm tired and should be sleeping but don't feel like it. <_<
Thanks for the link. :)
I would rather farm things that have really really really REALLY low drop rates (like pets in WoW) than to farm things like mats. One of those mindless grinds that, when it hits, you make a buttload of gold. I have farmed multiple of each of the whelps and 10 disgusting oozelings. Why? Because that's how I level'd. Made awesome gold while leveling characters...

But yeah, fuck T6 mat farming. I've done enough of that.
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