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Takkuso's Application

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New member
Tuck Choate

Age (must be 18+)

Do you have any friends in the guild? If so, who?

Main Character
Takkuso - Elementalist or Maven - Guardian (I have five characters planned out, but I believe these will be my two main characters)

Character Name
Takkuso or Maven


Elementalist or Guardian

What role do you wish to play in the guild? For example: PvP, PvE, Casual/Social
To tell the truth, GW2 has truly impressed me with EVERY aspect of their game. I love the dynamic events and JUMPING PUZZLES, so I thought I'd focus on PvE. Then I played in the mists and thought I'd focus on sPvP. Then at the end of BWE2 I joined a group on the battlegrounds, and I realized I loved WvW. So to tell you the truth, I'll probably be jumping around the world like a kid with ADD to whatever anyone else is doing and sounds like fun at the time. I'm very social and love playing with other people, so if one day the guild says "we're going to go take a keep" I'll be right there in WvW. If someone says "I can't reclaim this town from the centaurs" I'll teleport over and do the dynamic events.

Which previous MMO's or online games have you played and how long for?
I played WoW casually for a few years on and off. I got three characters to max level (Paladin, Rogue and Druid) and enjoyed doing heroic dungeons. I never got into raids because of the huge time commitment it required. As I said, I'm very social, and that extends into real life as well, and I couldn't, in good conscience, reject real life friends for a raid.
Other than WoW, I've dabbled in other MMOs, but in general haven't found any others I've enjoyed spending time in.

Were you a part of a guild? What was your experience?
I was in two WoW guilds. My main character was in the biggest guild I could find on the server. That was fun because I'd hear guildies talking about what they were doing and I could just show up there and help out. It was really fun to be able to surprise a guild member (especially a lower leveled one) and help out when they were stuck or frustrated.
I was also a part of a much smaller guild on a few of my alts, because I found the large guild lacked cohesiveness. With so many members, it was hard to get to know anyone, so I didn't have anyone there I could call a friend. My smaller guild was full of friends who were on consistently.
Both types of guilds had their advantages, and I enjoyed both of them for different reasons.

How did you hear about the Guild?
I saw the podcast posted on reddit's /r/guildwars2. I really enjoyed the podcast and decided I'd see if you guys wanted me.

What will you bring to the ALTTABME community? (Chatty? Skilled? Funny? Helping?)
It's hard to answer this question without sounding conceited, but I'll try to be objective. I'm witty - this sometimes comes off as sarcastic and snarky, but once you get to know me, I'm really friendly. I love having fun and will go out of my way to make sure others are having fun too. And I'm mature. I am 26, I've been married for five years (having a wife will force you to grow up quickly!), and teach high school math. The last thing I want when I'm trying to relax in the evenings/weekends is childish, catty behaviour. I'm glad you guys have a good application process and enforce that you're a mature guild.

Will Arcanix be the only guild you join?
I've been looking for a great guild for a long time. I had resigned myself to reddit's guild, but knew that would be like my big, faceless guild from WoW. That being said, Arcanix will probably not be the only guild I join, but if I'm accepted, I believe I will represent Arcanix most of the time. I may still join reddit, since I am a part of that community, and if I can convince some of my friends to join the game, I'll probably create a small guild for people I know in real life. Arcanix, however, seems to be the perfect middle ground where I can make friends and be involved, which is where I would spend my time.

Is there anything else you would like to throw in here at the end?
I don't own a headset, and will not be buying one. This has gotten me turned away from several guilds in the past, and contributed to my lack of raiding, but I play in the living room and usually while my wife is home. She does not care to hear me talking out loud while she's trying to study, and I won't be putting that on her. I join Mumble of Vent to listen, but I communicate mostly by typing. Sorry :)

Thanks for your podcast (loved it) and your consideration. I look forward to hearing back from you guys.
Great application, lots of information. My question is though, you will never ever talk on Mumble? Arcanix is based on the idea of having a good time in game as a group and being sociable. I can understand your argument for not wanting to wear a headset, but while that may degrade your quality on mumble with speaker feedback, it doesn't prevent you from talking on it with a mic. If you could clarify that that would be awesome.
I'll almost always be on Mumble and listening, and I do have a microphone that I can use at times, but we live in a fairly small apartment and my wife is in grad school and is studying intensely most evenings. I don't want to distract her from her reading/paper writing by speaking out loud to people she can't hear. However, like I said, I love being sociable and will be on guild chat in game constantly, listening to mumble, and at times, turning on my microphone and joining in the conversation. It's just that me talking on mumble won't be an all the time kind of occurrence.
I'll almost always be on Mumble and listening, and I do have a microphone that I can use at times, but we live in a fairly small apartment and my wife is in grad school and is studying intensely most evenings. I don't want to distract her from her reading/paper writing by speaking out loud to people she can't hear. However, like I said, I love being sociable and will be on guild chat in game constantly, listening to mumble, and at times, turning on my microphone and joining in the conversation. It's just that me talking on mumble won't be an all the time kind of occurrence.

Thanks for clarifying, It just sounded like you would be completely mute. I give my +1.
If it makes you feel better I ALWAYS read guild chat in-game. A lot of others ignore it, but that's my primary source of conversation. I don't personally enjoy using head sets all the time either (i'm fuzzy and it irritates me). I recommend just using a head set when it's convenient and relax when it's not. You'll still be able to converse just fine.

Well I think you will fit in well, as long as you understand there may be times due to lack of communicado, that we may pick someone else to do some sort of a difficult dungeon or something. As long as that is OK with you, I don't see why not. I played MMOS just typing for many years prior to talking clients, which actually to me kinda diminish the whole immersion factor.

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