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The Elder Scrolls Online - Tamriel Unlimited


Future Man
Actually doesn't suck.

Now that this is a buy to play game, a few of my mates and I made toons over on Daggerfall Covenant. They have intelligently not screwed people over who don't wish to subscribe (as all you get is a 10% xp boost and some Real Money Currency to spend). The crafting system is interesting, the combat feels good, and the potential build variety is great.

Given that any class can field any weapon and wear any kind of armour, there are ways to play virtually any kind of build you want. Melee DPS Sorcerer in leather? Sure. Ranged healer/support Templar in cloth? Definitely. Life-stealing Nightblade Tank in heavy? Absolutely!

Its worth a look if you never checked it out before, and its worth a second look for those who checked it out the first time and were disappointed. For those interested in joining us, we're on the NA megaserver on PC, as members of the Daggerfall Covenant.

See you in Tamriel!
I haven't recorded anything because my ability to do so is atrocious.

They've upgraded the game to 2.0 as the game has gone through an overhaul. From 50 onwards you earn Champion Points that you can assign to Skyrim-style constellations in order to focus your abilities in a certain direction. Want to be a Nightblade dual-wielding swords and packing a bow for those sniper moments? Toss some Champion Points into Stamina regen and Crit. Want to be a tank? Throw some points into damage mitigation. And so on.

Also with 2.0 they introduced the justice system. You can steal from people, sell your goods to fences, earn bounties, and so on. Supposedly they're going to allow players to bring in player bounties down the track, but that hasn't happened yet.

EDIT: I should also mention that the PvP is pretty solid. THere are 30 day campaigns once you're a veteran, and 5 day ones for pre-vet. During US peak, PvP goes off. It's in Cyrrodil. All of it. The map is fucking huge.

EDIT 2: I really wish ArenaNet had used a method like this to break down the holy trinity. I can tank, heal, or dps with any class in the game. And each of them do it differently. A Dragonknight because more of a 'support' healer, with some decent control powers (Obsidian Shard, Talons), team wide buffs (Battle Standard), and shields (Obsidian Shield). Give them a Restoration staff, and watch their whole team never die.

Meanwhile, a Templar in the same role is closer to a 'traditional' healer. A whole skill tree dedicated to healing, plus a resto staff makes the Tempar a really strong healer. It's awesome.
Now that's just mean.

Also that's what Cyrodil is for. Go ruin people in PvP. Laugh at them. Repeat.
Pvp is cool and all... But nothing makes me happier than getting someone to TRUE saltlord status by stealing something valuable to them... God I miss Achaea. Its too bad they took that away from me.
Pvp is cool and all... But nothing makes me happier than getting someone to TRUE saltlord status by stealing something valuable to them... God I miss Achaea. Its too bad they took that away from me.

UO has it :)
Getting pretty heavy into this game on the Xbox One. Going to try and do a bit of recruiting. Got a few potential people interested.
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