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Praise the Sun!
I've been checking out the newest coverage from Titanfall. This game looks very pretty and seems to be a more faster paced CoD. The game is your standard shooter multiplayer (6v6 maps) but they introduce Titans which are essentially mech suits throughout the match.

Check out some of the gameplay video.

Beta signups for Xbox One and PC went up last night. You need an Origin ID to register.
It looks great, but I am not a fan of small games. Im a sucker for huge, strategic battles. I did sign up for beta though, cause Mechs and parkour...
It looks great, but I am not a fan of small games. Im a sucker for huge, strategic battles. I did sign up for beta though, cause Mechs and parkour...

They are big, It´s more like Dota, there are also NPC soldiers on the battlefield.
Ok so after playing the beta, I realize why its only 6v6. I also realize all the hype is extremely well deserved. I will be picking this one up.
The beta was really interesting. After the initial server issues the beta was pretty smooth. The game seems really polished and does offer a variety of gameplay based on the different load outs. It's not just COD with a different skin which is a huge plus.
I will definitely be buying this! I really like how you unlock different gun at schemers based off of challenges, and how burn cards can mix things up a bit. For those of you who didn't play the beta burn cards are like temporary perks that you can pick for a single life/match.

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One of the cool things I saw was the kinda rock paper scissors thing where if everyone is in mechs, you can gain an advantage by jumping out and sabotaging the other guys mech. You just have to watch out for getting shot with a bullet that is the size of your head.
You can also ride friendly mechs and jump from yours to the enemy's...it's a white knuckle ride jumping from mech to mech in a huge battle.

Also did you folks know this game is using the Source 2 engine...I would never believe it with how sexy it looks

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I think the game makes things interesting with how strong Titans are but with the cloak, free running, and jumping on to sabotage you can still be useful while outside of a titan. Its a nice balance between standard FPS and standard Mech gameplay.
Sounds like it will be fun to watch. I'll have to check youtube and twitch.

I streamed a bit during beta...you can bet I'll be streaming when it releases. I have to fix my stupid xsplit settings so my mic works though...I also want to try streaming with shadowplay.

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I tried streaming a bit too over the beta, but i need to change up the settings a bit to get everything looking nice and running smooth. Overall though I really enjoyed what i was able to play. I only really tried out attrition (Pretty much Stock Based TDM) but I really like it. I'll definitely be getting it as soon as it comes out. The mech gameplay was a lot of fun and very strategic with the different abilities that you were able to use and knowing when to counter your opponent. Overall I couldnt think of anything that I didn't enjoy and I can't wait till it goes full release.
One of the coolest things in attrition(standard) game modes are the NPC grunts and their interactions with each other and you.

You will often come upon two opposing grunts in a melee death struggle or one of your friendly grunts dragging another out of the line of fire.

They will also thank you and such for helping them or other things. There is a video of the grunt interactions on Kotaku that I will link when I find it.

One of the coolest things I noticed in beta was at the start of one match when I was running on the ground with some grunts.

Grunt1: Hey! We got a pilot with us!

Grunt2: Doesn't look like much to me.

Grunt1:*chuckles* Oh boy, you just watch. These guys are on a whole other level.

EDIT: http://kotaku.com/hanging-out-with-titanfalls-grunts-can-be-pretty-enter-1527064514

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