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Wildstar 'Twas the Week Before Raid Night...


Mother Hen
Hi my lovelies-

Now that we are in the FINAL WEEK before raid night, we have to push even harder to get everyone through EVERYTHING.

There are a few important milestones here. You should be reaching out to ANYONE and EVERYONE if you need the following:

1. MAX exile rep: dailies, unfinished quests, and old-school grinding through regular STL
2. Adventures: silver medal for each one should be easy peasy with a guild group
3. DUNGEONS: silver medal for each one, which is a little bit tougher but doable with the right group

I know LaNCeRs and Spicyjoobrew have a group going on most nights for this (sorry for not naming everyone - but you know who you are and I <3 you all 4eva).

If there is need for another group, I have a few guildees I can also pull from to form a second adventure/dungeon group. My group has cleared our dungeon calendar this week to specifically make ourselves available for this purpose. I know there are lots of of people with plans for the holiday weekend, so this is our last full week to make some serious progress.

Where you come in: please be VOCAL and let us know if you need something. Say something in group chat, use our wonderful website, or hop on mumble and yell at people. I know Gyoin already mentioned this, but I wanted to reiterate this especially for our newer 50's who are just now starting the attunement process.

I may not be "online" all the time because of working on a guide or doing some research, but there are enough people around that know how to get a hold of me. I am more than happy to assemble a group to get people their shiny silver medals.

Let's do this!!!

I'm off the next 4 days to hopefully get world bosses down! Let's make it real!
Just finished bosses >_>

So I will be available all week for world bosses!

and also silver runs I guess >_>
and also silver runs I guess >_>

The enthusiasm from z leader is palpable! lol

Im definitely looking to get SSM silvered this week, im gonna send some pm's to the spicy crew cause lets be honest you guys are awesome and always enthusiastic to help! But if they busy, ill definitely make a LFG post see who else is interested!
I'm off the next 4 days to hopefully get world bosses down! Let's make it real!

I'm actually enjoying this step a lot. It reminds me of farming the bosses in GW2 for their lewts. I wish there was a Wildstar equivalent to GW2timer though.
I am here for silvers runs just ask and I want to do skull and ssm

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Haha, it's 98% anxiety from "Oh god I don't want to screw up and waste everyone's time". Those 2 minute over runs or wiping on final boss really.... Really drains me.

I noes this feeling all too well! Hate being the only one or 1 outta 2 people who need the silver, the pressure is insane! It was much easier back in STL n KV when none of us knew what we were doing and all just died, made me feel better haha.. Then again i just hold my breathe for half the dungeon, and pray to any god that'll listen for the other half hahah
I'll be grinding out MAX exile rep tonight. :)

If you do get your rep and get your little puzzle quest done, please spam for group for adventures so that we can get your completed as efficiently as possible. There should be extra people available tonight because the Elder Gem cap resets. Your timing is impeccable. ;)

Also, my advice to anyone not complete with their attunement... Don't treat silence as people are unavailable or no for an answer, keep looking. To Milly's point, this is a two way street. Though we have people on a lot, most are likely AFK in between runs. Send whispers, use the forums, scream in mumble, etc. We want get you through as quickly as you do.
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