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Update from Iceland


New member
I has arrived! This is what the walk to the market looks like:


What it doesn't smell it's just hazey! Hot very much so (between 40-50C with 100% humidity), but so beautiful. Maybe not downtown KL itself but areas like Langkawi, KK Sabah, Melaka, and Penang (best food in the world is from here) are so nice.
I wanna go up there with you soooo bad and have a non lesbo relationship date :p

Chris better watch out fore I steal his lady girl >:3

What it doesn't smell it's just hazey! Hot very much so (between 40-50C with 100% humidity), but so beautiful. Maybe not downtown KL itself but areas like Langkawi, KK Sabah, Melaka, and Penang (best food in the world is from here) are so nice.

Pretty sure nope. Mugginess is the worst thing that ever happened. I'll take hotsprings and sexy tall lumberjacks mens over 100% humidity in that heat any day.

Where are the pictures of large, hairy men with horns on their heads and legs of mutton in their hands?

INC. ;) I gotta learn how to catch my breath when I encounter one before I can accomplish hand steadiness long enough to take pictures.

Oh I envy you so much will have to go in northern Europe someday.

Iceland is expert level Norn Europe. But if you ever make it here lemme know beforehand, I have an open door/couch policy for guildies.
Jess, I'm very jealous... so beautiful there. What's the culture like? I'm very interested in the food too... what's there?
Lots of really tall blonde people, I'm new and this is a small town do I havent really cracked into the Icelandic social life yet. Mostly hanging around EU travelers in my hostel. Irish dude stole bread from me, so my opinion of those Irish travelers has dimished. There's live music outsider hostel ATM though, so I'm pretty happy. Lotta fish, lamb, dairy stuff. Not a lot of non imported plant stuffs, they're mostly carnivorous.
<3 Olafur! Seeing him and Sigur Ros play during the festival in Reykjavik in October! Wewewt! Also... I'll post some videos here later of the guy who was playing at this coffee shoppe, AMAZING. So gewd.
I have been seeing status updates on iceland all day in facebook~ its like a free vacation!
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