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vancop's Application

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New member

Age (must be 18+)

Do you have any friends in the guild? If so, who?

Main Character Name



What role do you wish to play in the guild? For example: PvP, PvE, Casual/Social
I like to dabble a bit in each aspect of the game, however organized shenanigans would be my role. Organizing/having fun with like minded people.

Which previous MMO's or online games have you played and how long for?
I have been playing MMO's since EQ1 on a dial up connection. I started raiding "hardcore" during Vanilla WoW. Beta tested quite a few MMO's until now.

Were you a part of a guild? What was your experience?
Guild was fun but it began starting to feel like a job (raiding 40+ hours a week).

How did you hear about the Guild?

What will you bring to the ALTTABME community? (Chatty? Skilled? Funny? Helping?)
Ninja skills

Will Arcanix be the only guild you join?

How much time do you spend a week on Guild Wars 2 or other games?
5-20 hours a week

Is there anything else you would like to throw in here at the end?
I am a software developer and a house DJ so I have a very random schedule.

Have you finished all of the prerequisite requirements?
Yes (I read and replied to the rules, I have a minimum of 5 posts, I made sure those posts weren't just bullshit)
I don't think I would OK this app for the community however, I am not against an in game trial for GW2 exclusively. Also the fact that our application has the server name in it, makes me wonder if you read it...
I asked about the server before I decided to apply, I have been poking around the site for a few days researching before I made my decision. I am not sure if this community is right for me. I don't like being judged based upon assumptions.
This app is way to sparse for me to say yes to. Vancop has been a little bit active on the site but not to the extent that I actually know anything about him. He has been around for a few days and posted in a few different spots which says to me he had time to at least look over other apps. If he had done this he would see (in the most recent apps) what we are looking for and what we are not. Doesn't seem like he has.

I don't like being judged based upon assumptions.
You will be judged every day of your life, by every person you meet or interact with. The only thing you can do is give your audience a clear picture of who you are. The problem here is you have given us very little to know you by and we can only judge based on assumptions. We want the guild to be a good fit both for the existing members and anyone new coming in. We can't do that if we don't know you at all.

If the app was more fleshed out or he was way more involved in the site I would give it a chance, but as is now I have to say no.

-1 but can re apply with a better app.
My app was written while I had a few free minutes of time at work, also there has not been a large amount of forum activity on the threads I posted on. I do not really like talking to myself online, I already know all of my jokes.
My app was written while I had a few free minutes of time at work, also there has not been a large amount of forum activity on the threads I posted on. I do not really like talking to myself online, I already know all of my jokes.

Yeah red flags already. Sorry man. Retracting to a no. If you think what has been done here is judgement you obviously will not like our dry tone or interaction or passion. You should have been able to see that the community was for you from going over it. The excuse of "I made t app while X" is bullshit because if you cared you would put in effort not blame X.

Gonna deny this. If you want to re-ap and actually tell us about you or just hang around and REALLY interact on the forums.... We are here.
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