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Warcraft Movie: Orgrim


Praise the Sun!
Here's your first official look at Orgrim from the Warcraft movie. I think the CGI on this movie is going to blow people away. I can't wait to see this thing. Movie releases 6/10/16 (just realized now that's a palindrome and it makes me happy).



Source: http://www.wired.com/2015/05/warcraft-orgrim-reveal-exclusive/
Wow that CGI is pretty nice. If they play this right it will be up there with Avatar on the stunning points CGI can make.
man...havent heard anything about this in forever..assumed it was dead. This should be a visual adventure at least.

I also have an inside inside source that says Blizzard will surprise everyone with a new Warcraft game on the same day the movie releases. Supposedly titled World of Warcraft 2: Orcs on a Plane.
man...havent heard anything about this in forever..assumed it was dead. This should be a visual adventure at least.

I also have an inside inside source that says Blizzard will surprise everyone with a new Warcraft game on the same day the movie releases. Supposedly titled World of Warcraft 2: Orcs on a Plane.

I'd play it
If the movie isn't just 2 hours of that guy wrecking shit, I riot.

The whole "Orcs are kind of the good guys" cat has been out of the bag for years now, I'm kinda leery about them going back to the pre-Warcraft-3 times just for the sake of having strong-chinned white men cleave monsters to stirring orchestral tracks without the moral ambiguity.
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