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GW2 warrior question


New member
Does power relate to more damage, or is that more of a caster skill? Additionally, I am running mostly precision right now for the critical damage bonus. If power = more damage, would I be better off half precision and half power? Thanks in advance.
Yes, power is what will increase your damage with each attack. You'll probably want to find a nice balance between power and precision if you are wanting to try a crit build. However, you will eventually start finding items that will have both power and precision on them as you get higher in level (~ level 20). Probably for low levels you'll just want power to actually kill a thing, but I guess it all comes down to your own play style :)
All attributes - Power, Precision, Toughness, Vitality - are beneficial for all professions. There aren't any that are just for casters or just for melee.

Precision does not provide a bonus to critical damage; it only affects critical chance. To get a bonus to critical damage, you'll have to either get equipment that explicitly boosts it (like Runes of Divinity) or put trait points into the Discipline line. Power increases the damage of all of your attacks, including critical hits.
Thanks for the great info, I did start to notice the dual skills on items as I got my armorsmithing to 120. Trying to balance out precision and power now, I think I was going to much for crit chance and my damage was suffering.
It'll be less of a problem when you're fully geared up.

And don't completely neglect Vitality or Toughness. It doesn't matter how much damage you can do if you're not alive to do it. Balance offensive trait lines (like Arms or Strength) with defensive equipment (with +Vit or +Tou), or vice versa. Warriors are generally pretty resilient out of the box, but don't take it for granted.
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