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Wildstar Weekend Raid Schedule (redux)


୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨ Stronk
The previous Weekend Raid thread has been locked at the request of a number of the participants in an effort to restart the discussion on a better foot. This thread is NOT to be used to discuss the Weekday raid schedule, this is ONLY for weekend raid discussion. Presently, the weekday schedule is locked in and will not be revisited unless we are unable to consistently have enough people on during those times. I ask that if you choose to participate in this potentially heated topic, you take a moment and breath before making any posts that may be taken the wrong way; we don't want there to be further misunderstandings and tensions. We are a community, and we need to work together to achieve goals, not work against one another.

The Saturday/Sunday poll was split in the last thread at Saturday: 21, Sunday: 19. I don't see a need for a new poll at this time. The basic discussion revolves around having a long Raid on Saturdays (i.e. starting earlier then usual) vs. the normal Raid time on Saturdays vs. Sundays vs. a combination.

Any post that is not contributing to the discussion, is geared toward discussing weekday Raid times, or is inflammatory (due to the nature of this discussion) will be removed at moderator's discretion.
I personally have no qualms with any time on the weekend (albeit I have to work roughly 2 weekends a month and will likely miss a few here and there). I personally like the sound of having a long raid Saturday starting early(ish) to allow us to make a final big push before reset. At the end of the day weekends are always hit or miss for people, though.
Saturday I will almost always be at work, but will be glad to be stand by. Since im retail though if I don't close I will be a mid which will still eat up most of the day.
We can also always add Sunday as an OPTIONAL SPECIAL CHALLANGE day, maybe make an event of it or something... Raid drinking game?
Well, maybe when the spreadsheet gets finished sundays will work better, who knows. Not only that its very unlikely the raids will be cleared every week so extra tries on off days could be a thing if the official ones come up empty.
ok now I'm a little confused... This raid is a completely separate raid from the weekdays one right? so if we raid... say saturday its from scratch right? or it's a continuation from whatever we did during the weekdays? To be completely honest whichever works for me but I want to be clear on that.
We may want to consider the following:
  • It may be better to approach weekend as a separate lockout for GA since the weekday group will eventually get to completing the instance during the week anyway which would entirely lock out the weekenders.

  • I wouldn't recommend using the weekend as a gimmick day (unless it's the very end or some distinct separation from the progression portion). I say this because otherwise you're preemptively disenfranchising those who can only raid on the weekends.
We may want to consider the following:
  • It may be better to approach weekend as a separate lockout for GA since the weekday group will eventually get to completing the instance during the week anyway which would entirely lock out the weekenders.
  • I wouldn't recommend using the weekend as a gimmick day (unless it's the very end or some distinct separation from the progression portion). I say this because otherwise you're preemptively disenfranchising those who can only raid on the weekends.
As per your first point, it's a good thought but I don't think we quite have the numbers for it yet. We can certainly consider that as a possibility down the road, but I want to at least get a solid group together initially without competing for raid members.

For the second point, the 'sunday funday' idea was more geared toward a fun extra day if we find that people are burning out and we want to change it up a bit, but it was meant to just be a fun idea to lighten the raids up a bit.
t may be better to approach weekend as a separate lockout for GA since the weekday group will eventually get to completing the instance during the week anyway which would entirely lock out the weekenders.

This is more of a "down the line" scenario. I highly doubt we will be clearing GA in a matter of weeks, it will take months. The weekend raid should be used for continuing progress for now. Down the line if we do get full clears on GA, a weekend raid may be more appropriate for new recruits and alts, or vice versa can be said that the weekday raids will be used for alts/new guys and the weekends will be for the full clear. That is a discussion for WAY down the line. But for the current instance of raiding, we should be considering every raid to be a continuation of the same.

I wouldn't recommend using the weekend as a gimmick day (unless it's the very end or some distinct separation from the progression portion). I say this because otherwise you're preemptively disenfranchising those who can only raid on the weekends.

100% agree. But at the moment, we should be focusing on getting the one raid lockout and getting as many people as possible inside GA, during all of our scheduled raid times.

Edit: ha, didn't realize it was in regards to the "funday". But I'd think my point still stands :)
For the second point, the 'sunday funday' idea was more geared toward a fun extra day if we find that people are burning out and we want to change it up a bit, but it was meant to just be a fun idea to lighten the raids up a bit.

Aaaaah yes. I didn't catch the part about it being Sunday. That could definitely work.
I think we need to look at it from a progression standpoint more, akin to what Gyoin was saying. As we become more efficient and continue to boost our numbers, we can evolve/adapt our raid schedule. I don't want people to be scared that everything is set in stone to the bitter end; we just need to focus on progression first and foremost when it comes to scheduling.
getting 40 ppl raiding is... difficult lets say, so for now I would have to agree on the single lockout raid.
getting 40 ppl raiding is... difficult lets say, so for now I would have to agree on the single lockout raid.

I guarantee that as we progress and post our progress on the official forums or talk about it in game, that will be a HUGE recruitment bonus. We can continue our growing numbers, and at that point might be able to get two solid 20 mans going, and then hopefully be able to merge them for 40 mans. That's the current progression plan.

But before we get ahead of ourselves, yes. We need to focus on getting one group inside GA.
Would it be worthwhile to have a meeting in mumble to hammer out these details? I think we've reached a point where the forums are starting to be counter-productive as it relates to this subject.

If we do a mumble meeting, anyone who is indifferent to the decision can choose not to participate in the discussion.

It's just a suggestion. I have some pretty thick skin but did take offense to some of the comments from the previous thread that were based on perception. I know text communication is tricky because of interpretation, so I'm sure no one meant any harm from the previous discussions.

I'm not trying to derail this thread since it was created to be a fresh start, but I am simply offering an alternative method to coming to a decision that doesn't involve forum talk.

Just my two plushies.
Just my two plushies.

LOL not sure why this statement tickled me so. Maybe because I imagined you spinning an umbrella as you said it for some reason.

I think discussing it on mumble could prove difficult as well with people talking over each other and blurting things out. Honestly I think our best bet is to just schedule the weekend raids and see if anyone shows up. If we get a good haul, great! If not we table it, or part of it, and revisit it if we feel we have the numbers/drive to support it. Adding it to the schedule does no harm as long as people are aware there is a chance we might not have enough people.
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