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What Upcoming MMOs Interest You?

What upcoming MMO's are you interested in?

  • The Repopulation

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • Wildstar

    Votes: 13 54.2%
  • EQ:Next

    Votes: 9 37.5%
  • Star Citizen

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • ESO

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Other: Explain

    Votes: 1 4.2%

  • Total voters
Mostly The Repopulation and EQ:N for me. ESO seemed like a good concept but lacked the execution I was hoping for.
Mostly The Repopulation and EQ:N for me. ESO seemed like a good concept but lacked the execution I was hoping for.

Yes...thankfully ESO will have no effect on Bethesda and their work on the Elder Scroll Single player games.
Kinda bummed for all of those. Since playing the beta of *cough* I stopped enjoying MMOs. I will probably play again with the next WoW-addon (I hate myself)
Kinda bummed for all of those. Since playing the beta of *cough* I stopped enjoying MMOs. I will probably play again with the next WoW-addon (I hate myself)
lol no hate here. like what you like and be proud of it. You'd be surprised how many people secretly want someone else to be the first to say "I like this thing" so they could join in.
I only voted for Wildstar because that's the only one that interests me. I still think it will be one of the better MMOs released this year.

I don't know enough about Repopulation or EQ:Next to make a comment. I'd like to see the discussion here as to why these will be the go to games this year.
Okay, here is my answer to Simpwn's question, its gonna be a big wall of text on my phone... but keep in mind that Im typing it on my phone. (Go easy on me)

Okay, so Zakeees and I were talking last night and he asked me why I felt like Wildstar or any of the other MMOs I've played (keep in mind I never got into WoW) have been able to keep my attention... and after about 2 minutes of thought I came mostly to the conclusion that Achaea ruined the MMO style RPG genre for me. (Check out www.achaea.com for some basic info on Achaea: Dreams of Divine Lands) Obviously he was curious as to why a MUD, or text based rpg, had me so captivated and I kinda rambled as to why (and I think Triage can commiserate with me on this one but replace Achaea with UO).

Here are some of the reasons in a little nicer form than me spamming a huge text at Zakis, which was converted into a multimedia message cause it was so long:
Achaea is a complete sandbox, with no level cap. Once you get to level 18 you're thrown out of the starting zones forever and are left to fend for yourself. If you don't communicate with the other players you have no idea what to do or where to go, because the game is about learning to fend for yourself.

Branching off that, Achaea's Guild (Theyre called Houses now) system is completely and utterly robust and not only has player involvement, but is also backed by the God (Admins basically) system. Each House chooses a god which kinda would align with their goals and or ambitions and the God then helps them in small non-gamebreaking ways, as long as it doesn't conflict with the God's Order... which I will go over shortly. Also Houses have been established a long time, some even are relatively similar to when they started over 10 RL Years ago when I first started playing. (Over 400 in game years) They have expansive things to help out new players and most Houses have some kind of secret or goal they are always striving for. As an example, the last House I was in, the Warlocks of the Rising Phoenix had the goal of combining different elemental properties to make a megagolem. The House before that that I was in, the Shadowsnakes were actually working on finding some lost scrolls inside a sunken ship they'd found, plus a group we started called Razor Squadron had the goal of breaking into all of the other House halls and collecting valuable goods from them so we could make a quick profit. The first House I was in way back in the day, The Occultists has always had the goal of raising a creature of unfathomable power called the Unnameable Horror (lolvoldemort) to destroy sapience as we know it. Im very proud to say I helped gather the orphans to sacrifice to raise it. We actually did too, but a group of good aligned Gods banned together to banish it again.

Not enough awesome roleplay for you? Heres more! Orders for Gods are similar to the Housing system, but the Gods more actively participate. My last character was one of the main acolytes of Pandemonium, God of Strife. I started 3 wars singlehandedly in the game. In the Order I also set free a gigantic onyx bull that killed several hundred players across the game before it was finally put down for good. I led hoardes of Goblins through a tunnel into the city of good to raid their church for a holy sword so that I could place a bunch of magic and alchemical properties on it and use it to cut through space-time. So many awesome and fun adventures were had in the name of Strife.

But what about what people care about? Like I was saying about the PvE, there is no level cap. Once you reach level 99, you gain the ability to turn into a dragon of your choice, from any of the traditional dragon colors. The PvE is very difficult and fun, even though its a GIGANTIC grind. It took me an actual year nearly to make dragon. (Of course it didnt help that I PvP'd as well) Also when you die, you lose experience with more being lost over time if you stay dead, so there are a lot of consequences for dying, which makes PvE more difficult and fun, especially as you progress in levels.

So PvP. Achaea has the most complete and difficult PvP system of any game Ive ever played. Mst of the combat is based off of afflictions, each affliction has a cure. The affilictions dont wear off until you cure them, and some afflictions can block others from being cured. Because of this, I consider all other PvP to be childsplay. Woth text whizzing by faster than you can read, you have to rely on text highlights and instincts to become good at the PvP in the game. Automated curing systems are allowed but they dont help in every case, and the popular ones have a lot of breaks that are found out quickly by players. When you become good at PvP in the game though, groups of people will come to try and hunt you down, because youre able to 1v3 the lesser pvpers. The last time I died in PvP on my main character they brought 7 people to jump me while I was defiling their shrines.

NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU?!?! Here is a list of some of the other things I did in the game...
1. I was a thief. Stealing gold and very valuable items directly from players. Most people will pay a lot to get their things back too.
2. I became one of the most feared pirates in the game. Similar to stealing, but you can sink their ships as well, which costs 80k go raise back up. The ships themselves cost over 350k just to buy.
3. I raided many cities with members of my House or City. Gotta love that PvP.
4. I became an Assasin who got paid for killing other players.

Oh I almost forgot about cities, do you like politics? Dont worry! Because YOU can run a city. Or help run a city. Or run events for a whole city. Or anything other political that you may like.

Customisation! Theres a lot of it. Players can submit designs for their own jewellery and clothes. Not to mention customize their pets, mounts, weapons, armor, artifacts, appearance... its all text, if you wanna pay for it, they will change it. I had a skeletal zombie hydra as a mount. Plus a customized artifact shield that was given to me by Pandemonium.

So... as you can see... Achaea would be pretty much the most perfect and amazing game... if it had graphics. So overall... I think I need a sandbox type game or else it just wont hold my interest.
Oh I forgot about crafting. You craft weapons and armor depending on your class. Stats are randomly generated and can crit. Weapons and armor make a lot of gold... and really good ones go for real money or the equivalent. The rapier I had as a bard was given to me, but it was worth about a hundred dollars. Much love to Skarash. Also shops are mostly player owned and the economy is amazingly stable.
Achaea would be pretty much the most perfect and amazing game... if it had graphics.
This, I think, is the crux for me. I do really enjoy creative writing though, and I got into a bit of collaborative RP storytelling back in the day....

I could see myself enjoying this with a RL group, but I don't think forums and online stuff would keep my interest.

I think the reason something this grand isn't a game is that each new situation has to have the rules adapt to it. An online game has to have more stability and can't rapidly change on the fly as people imagine new things. Human brain still wins over CPU.
Yeah. Gods can edit the rules and things in the game whenever something needs to change. Like when the Shadowsnakes broke into the Empyreal House hall and we stole all their facets from their master crystal (mages need crystals for one of their skillsets). We stole several hundred thousand facets over 9 real hours and the admins decided during that time that the final facet would have to stay, because the master crystal is a 5 million gold House addon and they couldn't afford to buy a new one. We did this a couple years ago and they are still trying to get the crystal back to what it was before. Talk about doing some damage.
Honestly I'm looking forward to a sandbox experience but the truth is it comes down to the people these days. Whatever everyone wants to play is where I want to be.

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Yeah your arches definition is exactly what uo is and still remains. A game that has more to do but nothing all at the same time. You can spend just as much time stopped in the middle of a forest chatting with a random passerby as you can killing monsters or other players or building houses or crafting or playing the economy.

Sandbox is where it is at and I guess I never realized it until I quit wow and never could get my fix in

But none of this western take on a sandbox from a Korean game shit.

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I think I'm in the same boat as you guys. I want to get away from the endless grinding of questing to level. In fact, having to gain levels to do stuff in an MMO game itself, just doesnt appeal to me anymore. Which is why I voted for The Repopulation. It has all the great aspects of a game I like including building, a complex crafting system, and major exploring. It just screams freedom to do whatever interests you.
Everquest Next is really the only one I've still got interest in. The others I either had no interest in or no longer do after getting more information about them. But like Zakis, it comes down to the people with me. Playing Guild Wars 2 with you guys was some of the most fun I've ever had with video games, and I get the feeling it was more the people than the game that are responsible for that.
So... as you can see... Achaea would be pretty much the most perfect and amazing game... if it had graphics. So overall... I think I need a sandbox type game or else it just wont hold my interest.

Dainjre, I can appreciate your experience. For me it was "The Two Towers" MUD. Pure text and imagination is definitely a different dimension to on-line graphical gaming and in some ways a more intimate experience. :)
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