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Wildstar Why Is It Called Wildstar?


New member
Hey guys as the title says I am interested in why the people behind Wildstar called it Wildstar.

I wonder did they go through a lot of different names before thinking "Yes Wildstar it is".

Star Frontier I bet was on the short list.

Better :)

I haven't really put much thought into it. I guess you could think back during the migration in America to the Wild West. That's what first comes to mind, and then Star to be the setting (in space).

I guess that's similar to your idea of Star Frontier as well.
I thought Wildstar sounded a bit cheesy at first but it's grown on me a little bit. I assume it has to do a lot with what Gyoin up there said. The word pretty much sums up the game. It's a wild, wacky adventure amongst the stars.
A rose by any other name...

I could see this being the subject of a WildStar Wednesday in lieu of an actual announcement. I would be interested to hear how/when the name came about. Did they have the name and think of what that game would look like, or did they design a game and then try to find a name that fit it?
Also what do you guys picture in your head when you hear or see "Wildstar"?

I picture a lone ranger or a cowboy from Texas, don't know why I just do.
I picture a star from Mario Brothers eating its own point to get the special kill everything immunity Mario would get and then jumping all over the screen killing all the levels in Mario.
I'm thinking they are going for a wild west theme. Cowboys in space. Firefly. At least that was the first notion that I got when watching the launch trailer. Had to go look it up to confirm, but definitely get that feeling. They have that fun, goofy humor that works well when exploring a new world with dangers.

I also get a definite space-cowboy feel, very reminiscent of Firefly putting me in mind of Joss Whedon's dry humor so prevalent in Mal's character. I really am curious as to why it isn't named 'Nexus' as that would seem to make sense. The entire premise is based around the planet after all.
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