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Wildstar Wildstar Concept Art



Sorry if this has been posted before, I took a look and didn't see it.

Cory Loftis, the original concept artist for Wildstar (who has since taken a job with Disney) posted a bunch of his work for Wildstar (some of which we've seen already) on his site a while back. It's pretty awesome.

Source: http://tabletmonkey.blogspot.com/2013/03/wildstar-up-in-this-mutha.html

Cory Loftis said:

I haven't really posted any artwork for Wildstar, but since Carbine Studios has released a metric ton of it over the past couple months, I felt it was time to remedy that.
This project was incredibly fun to work on and I think it shows. If you didn't know about Wildstar before...shame on you. Because its bad ass. Loftis stamp on that one. Bad ass.
Check out their video that sums it up after all the artwork. And sign up for the beta. And play it.

I really need to stop looking for these.. my hype meter is already going into the red. Time to hit up some BL2 for a bit to pass the time.

Really cool though, I dig the concept artwork for this game. I love the art style they use.

Unsure of a better link dump but I thought this was epic. That could because I was jamming to the newest episode of GQ
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