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Wildstar WildStar Wednesday: Main Events Calendar


୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨ Stronk

Ready to Party?
It seems like everywhere you turn, there are people talking about WildStar. You name it, we’ve had question about it. Of all the questions we get, (aside from the constant chant for beta keys), people want to know whether we are going to be running the convention circuit. So far this year, we’ve attended the Role Play Convention in Germany and Dreamhack in Sweden.
We’ve attended PAX East, and held two separate Arkship events, one here in sunny Southern So-Cal, and another for our European friends in Brighton, UK.
So sure, we’ve been busy, but you ain’t seen nothing yet!
I can officially confirm that we will be dragging a large group of Carbine Dev Team members to the following 2013 events:
Gamescom 2013: Cologne, Germany 22.-25.08.2013
For those of you who aren’t familiar, gamescom is held in Cologne, Germany, and is one of the largest collections of gamer fanatics in the world. I just took a look at the design specs for our booth, and let me tell you- it’s going to blow your mind. Not to mention the content we are creating just for this event. It will include super-sexy new announcements, hands-on gameplay with content you’ve never seen before, and a whole host of special events that will give our fans from Germany and the rest of the world the opportunity to spend quality time with the WildStar development team. We are finalizing our stage plans and offsite event opportunities, so more on that to come.
PAX Prime: SEATTLE, WA AUG 30-SEP 2, 2013
Now if you haven’t heard of PAX, you may need to… spend more time on your computer. If PAX East was any indication, this year promises to be an AMAZING show for us. Like Gamescom, we have packed our schedule with wall-to-wall activities, and of course hands-on gameplay of only the freshest WildStar content. This includes Developer Panels, amazing offsite activities, and something I’m particularly excited about: We will be hosting the very first Beta Tester only panel at our booth, giving you the chance to ask (almost) all the questions you have about what it’s like to work with the development team as a WildStar beta tester. Content questions? Game mechanics? You name it, they will most certainly probably be able to perhaps say something about it. Like Gamescom, we are working to finalize all of our events, which includes a very special secret giveaway, around PAX Prime. We’ve got so much to share, they had to add another day to the event to show it all! (Ok, they didn’t consult us on that one, but we are taking credit anyway).
There are a lot of other event plans to share with you in the coming days, but were just a little too early in the planning process to say much more. You know how planning events go; it can be downright Comi-Cal.
So that’s it for now, friends. We promise to keep you apprised of our progress moving forward. In the meantime, where are you headed this convention season? Could you stop by the WildStar Facebook page and drop us a line?
Enjoy, won’t you?
The next WildStar Wednesday? Don't hold your breath.

I for some reason thought there was an Expo of sorts in July. Not like I can ever visit any because none are ever in Canada or close.

Yeah these ones have been crap and I haven't really heard anything much from Dreamhack which I thought we would have by now. /wah
I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt here. I know how hard it is sometimes to do a podcast every week, and imagine developing a game and being weary of what you put out to the thousands looking to pick it all apart. They are being smart. No good info = no new info.
Also look at all the conventions they've been at the past couple weeks and the flurry of interviews.
Also look at all the conventions they've been at the past couple weeks and the flurry of interviews.

There has been very little additional info, and that requires digging and not something they are actually publishing yet. Unless there is a lot I missed outside of the guild one from Tiffany Chu?

I know they probably have a timeline and they may release a bunch of info at once or whatever but they have a lot of zones to cover as well as lots of other hot topics floating around.

I think this is more of a hype train check.
they can't all be home runs. I think they have to put out some filler stuff here and there since they don't want to reveal everything so fast. Hell, look at how much they revealed already. More than most games do before open beta or launch put together.
they can't all be home runs. I think they have to put out some filler stuff here and there since they don't want to reveal everything so fast. Hell, look at how much they revealed already. More than most games do before open beta or launch put together.

I disagree. 20 Wednesday left until October 30th (I also believe Open Beta will be around end of Sept/Beg of Oct so even less which may be revealed at the conventions). What do they have to show still?

5 Dominion Regions
4 Exile Regions
9 Contested Regions
Full Milestone Reveal (maybe have to find out for ourselves?) or Talents
Path Abilities (maybe have to find out for ourselves?)
Raiding Details
WarPlot Details
PvP Stages (Battlegrounds)
Guild Creation and Oriented Details
2 Races
2 Classes
Flying Mount Decision
Housing Dungeon Details (was stated in an interview there was more to be given later IIRC)

There may be more but this is what I could think of right now.

Now I do assume that during the conventions they will include a couple things together IE Raiding + Region or 2 BUT given the amount of information left to flesh out etc, there will be multiple items in W*W once they start releasing information, I really feel like they have to.

I disagree. 20 Wednesday left until October 30th (I also believe Open Beta will be around end of Sept/Beg of Oct so even less which may be revealed at the conventions). What do they have to show still?

5 Dominion Regions
4 Exile Regions
9 Contested Regions
Full Milestone Reveal (maybe have to find out for ourselves?) or Talents
Path Abilities (maybe have to find out for ourselves?)
Raiding Details
WarPlot Details
PvP Stages (Battlegrounds)
Guild Creation and Oriented Details
2 Races
2 Classes
Flying Mount Decision
Housing Dungeon Details (was stated in an interview there was more to be given later IIRC)

There may be more but this is what I could think of right now.

Now I do assume that during the conventions they will include a couple things together IE Raiding + Region or 2 BUT given the amount of information left to flesh out etc, there will be multiple items in W*W once they start releasing information, I really feel like they have to.


I'm pretty sure flying mounts have a decision. It's no for now but is a possibility in the future, as it was in WoW.
I'm pretty sure flying mounts have a decision. It's no for now but is a possibility in the future, as it was in WoW.

Where did you get that? I know they are reconsidering and I hope they are a no but I did not know they reached a final decision yet and announced.
I'm pretty sure flying mounts have a decision. It's no for now but is a possibility in the future, as it was in WoW.

This is correct, Gaffney stated if they couldn't figure out a way to implement them right...i.e. not completely trivializing most of the world for some silly travel options....they will. As of now it is no.
I disagree. 20 Wednesday left until October 30th (I also believe Open Beta will be around end of Sept/Beg of Oct so even less which may be revealed at the conventions). What do they have to show still?

5 Dominion Regions
4 Exile Regions
9 Contested Regions
Full Milestone Reveal (maybe have to find out for ourselves?) or Talents
Path Abilities (maybe have to find out for ourselves?)
Raiding Details
WarPlot Details
PvP Stages (Battlegrounds)
Guild Creation and Oriented Details
2 Races
2 Classes
Flying Mount Decision
Housing Dungeon Details (was stated in an interview there was more to be given later IIRC)

There may be more but this is what I could think of right now.

Now I do assume that during the conventions they will include a couple things together IE Raiding + Region or 2 BUT given the amount of information left to flesh out etc, there will be multiple items in W*W once they start releasing information, I really feel like they have to.

My point is they don't have to show us any of this. They could (if they wanted to) keep everything they have shown us and all of this in closed beta till launch. The only reason we know that there is open beta is that they told us.

It seems to me that the people complaining here are getting an overinflated sense of entitlement and thinking carbine HAS TO share the wole game with us before we buy it. If it were me running things I would be just giving hints of the really cool stuff to get the sales then people would be overwhelmed with how awesome the game is. Right now people are getting to the point where they are saying "I've seen that, give me more."
My point is they don't have to show us any of this. They could (if they wanted to) keep everything they have shown us and all of this in closed beta till launch. The only reason we know that there is open beta is that they told us.

It seems to me that the people complaining here are getting an overinflated sense of entitlement and thinking carbine HAS TO share the wole game with us before we buy it."

Yes they can/could have and it's good of them to have an Open Beta and announce it. It also is good marketing to let people kind of test it before they buy it, which also helps serve as a (very) large stress test before launch for any last minute server adjustments or additions.

Them saying "we can't talk about that right now" kind of means "we will talk about this later" doesn't it? The way they talk and hint at things, they WANT to share it, when it is ready. Expecting it before launch isn't a community problem after they start talking like that.
Them saying "we can't talk about that right now" kind of means "we will talk about this later" doesn't it?
to me that could easily mean "you won't see it till we are ready, maybe even after launch" The expectation of later is inferred by the reader.

Not right now could turn into never.

Also even if they want to share, they may not have anything that they are ready to share this week, and the consumers have no right (imo) to complain if they don't share at any given time. Plus as someone pointed out, they have shared tons and this weeks WSW is bringing it all together giving people tons of info that they might have missed.
The world is definitely being built with flying mounts in mind. The world can be explored in great length on foot and there are some zones where lower gravity and super jumps will come into play. I think the decision on flying mounts comes down to whether or not they can implement them in a way that it doesn't cause issues with players not interacting with the world below.
The world is definitely being built with flying mounts in mind. The world can be explored in great length on foot and there are some zones where lower gravity and super jumps will come into play. I think the decision on flying mounts comes down to whether or not they can implement them in a way that it doesn't cause issues with players not interacting with the world below.
I think in order to get a flying mount one of the (many) prerequisites should be 100% world exploration. You should have to set foot everywhere before you can fly.
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