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Will Archeage be Pay-to-Win


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Cash Shop - http://forums.archeagegame.com/show...-Full-list-Prices-%28-and-%80%29-and-Feedback

Anyone who either cares about this genre or his fellow human beings should support this so people are informed at least. This shit has to stop. F2P has gone too far and they literally have no shame. It is time to start speaking and being vocal about it. If we do allow this shit to carry on norms will be set and bad business practices that are extremely anti-consumer will become the expected and that will ultimately infest all the business models for future MMOs.
Let us be heard. Let us stop this trend of being exploited.
observer - Who thought it was a good idea to have newbies use labor points just so they can reveal the item-name & stats on low-level quest rewards?
FoxxDesertt - My patron status gives me the option to purchase 2 additional character slots for a maximum of 4. - Excuse me? I still have to buy them, my sub only gives me the option to purchase additional slots?
I still have to spend my $20 of my $75 credit on inventory expansion? $40 if i decide to throw my bank into the mix - PER CHARACTER? - I guess i wont be making any alts - except to exploit that labor point potion if they are stupid enough to leave it like that. - Yes, i will exploit it, the same way i will never log off the game unless the servers go down.
So now, what is the value of patron status? Lets take a look:
  • Bonus online Labor Point regeneration (10 per 5 minutes)
  • Offline Labor Point regeneration (5 per 5 minutes)
  • Increased maximum Labor Points cap (5000 maximum)
  • The game isnt playable on an enjoyable level without the above.
  • 10% bonus to all Experience gained through combat or labor usage
  • 10% discount on Marketplace purchases (available after launch)
How many purchases a month do i need to make with real money to offset that 15 dollar investment for that 10% discount?
  • 5 Loyalty Tokens per day for use in the Loyalty Store (awarded on first login of the day)
Going to have to step up that items in this shop if you want this to be an actual perk, as it stands now, those Daru chests are garbage.
  • Ability to claim land by placing farms and houses
  • Ability to pay in-game taxes on owned property
This is one of the bread and butter features of the game right? I guess patron for this major feature makes sense, thats a nice perk.
  • Ability to post auctions on the Auction House by default ........................................................................................................................................................ LuciousVictis - They confirmed that they will sell labor potion in their store, no one can deny that this is pure and simple, pay to win. You aquire something that no one can aquire in game, no matter how hard they can work for it. At the end of the day, your labor regen will cap at 2160 while they will be making way more, giving anyone a clear advantage on crafting, the best gear in the game and then having a clear advantage on the econnomy and pvp. Now in a game like this, yes skills matters but econnomy and pvp advantages are a great deal to a lot of people.
Not only that but XL Games have at this very moment many P2W items in their store, items that trion claim wont make it to our stores but have you ever watched one of their livestream? You can find them on youtube, watch how they avoid so many important question about the store and the future of this game, the changes and all. They make a lot of political promesses and play with words like no others, they repeated the same thing in every single streams, no lie, go watch.

Now they admitted that they will sell gears, they strongly dictate on what you can and cannot do by holding labor points. This is a sandbox kind of game, crafting is the whole point of this game, econnomy and pvp, thats the only decent things in this game and they are ruining it. Just look at the alpha price and tell me they wont try to milk that ingame store with p2w item
Zakaar -I realize that we haven't gone live yet, but as of right now the only way to increase your inventory size is through purchasing an item in the cash shop (even if you are a sub). I understand for the free accounts, but as a paying founder and patron I find it crazy to have to pay RL cash, on top of a monthly fee, to increase my inventory. ........................................................................................................................................................
Asuna - Cost - item - use - why
  • 300 - labor pot - gain 1000 labor back, cooldown 12 hr - you're buying labor points and labor points just basically = money and progress.
  • 300 - vocation xp tonic - gain 100% xp from labor for 1h - you can basically speed boost lvling via crafting, its not as bad as straight up buying labor but it's still going to progress you further
  • 80 - (variety of different drop rate honor, xplossprevention, production items) time 60 mins - basically buying boosts, not the worst but still a p2w feature
  • 45 - 5 tax certificates - used for well anything a tax certificate is used for like paying taxes - means you can just bypass having to make them and gives an advantage to people who buy them, this one is not really terrible either because only patrons can have land.
Over all its not terribly p2w but the main ones like the labor are definitely p2w - Over all I personally like the feel of the marketplace i also think its going in the right direction but needs more customization stuff - would like to see race changing in as well.
GuardianAngle - there is the 1month patron item and other things which you can basically just sell for gold ........................................................................................................................................................
Anath - The patron status, or better the credits for it, will be tradable with other players. How is that pw2? You get the credits by playing so it's the same. ........................................................................................................................................................
Chryos - After dropping 150 for the game, and paying for a monthly subscription, do I have access to the full game? Or am I going to still have to spend more money via micro-transactions to buy extra features that should be included if you purchased the game?

I'll be pretty disappointed if my 150 and a monthly sub is not enough. That's my concern and will determine if I will sub the game after my 3 months is up.

Jahlon - There will be micro-transactions you have to conduct (inventory expansion, character expansions, etc)
NexG - Thank you! Of course real $$ should give its payers better benefits, just hoping it won't be uncontrolled or too imbalanced!

Scapes - That's the plan.

In other words this is a hybrid between a subscription and a freemium but ultimately the more cash you throw into the cash shop, the more benefits you get.
Welcome to the world of "No traps, No tricks, No trials".
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