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World War Z And why It butchers the book and ZOMBIES!

Corvus Rex

New member
True, but that's not what the book is. Half of what made it great was the format, and what's more I think that format would have been amazing translated into a movie. When I originally heard Brad Pitt was going to be producing this I pictured him as the interviewer and I really think he could have played that well. Also, I think they're going to deviate further from the book than just the format because of some of the following observations:

1) They changed the zombies, they're actually not even really zombies anymore. In fact, judging from what I've seen these are the worst zombies ever. Zombies are great monsters for one reason: because they're slow. The whole point of zombies is the idea of the inevitability of your demise. Sure 1 on 1 you could kick a zombies ass or just outrun it, but 1 on 10? On 1000? They're already dead they've got all the time in the world, eventually they'll get you, and you're going to have to think about that the whole time you're escaping (read: delaying the inevitable) them and watching every comfort you have in life fall away and everyone you trust turn against you. The "zombies" in this movie are depicted more as a tidal wave, just crashing into everything as one giant thing as opposed to individual entities; which frankly doesn't even make sense. The #1 cause of death in this movie is probably going to be getting trampled which is exponentially less scary, and if these creatures are so fast and violent, how are the victims going to be intact enough to become a new zombie? These are definitively not World War Z zombies.

2) The collapse of society is first off, too total, and second too quick. One of the reasons I really enjoyed World War Z is it tried to put forth a (besides the zombie thing) reasonably possible outcome to events. Though it is significant, I don't think 64% of the world's population is killed, and in fact many countries are able to stabilize the "front" with the zombies. The events depicted in the trailer are too fast-paced to allow for the human drama which was a key part of the book to unfold. I doubt the Redeker Plan would even work under these circumstances. Also, given that they've abandoned good story for fast-paced action and explosions like so many bad movies these days, I find it highly unlikely that the movie will continue on beyond the conclusion of Brad Pitt's story. One of the most interesting parts of the book is the description of the post-war world and how they got there.

Furthermore this movie makes me feel old, for the first time in my life I'm recognizing that something is being produced explicitly for the entertainment of a younger generation... with terrible taste. Fucking twitchy ADHD Call of Duty-playing, explosion-packed-movie-without-a-story watching, pre-puberty-voice-cracking-whiny prairie dogs.

In my day we walked uphill both ways in the snow to get to a movie... because it was fucking worth watching.

/rant over
Walden Pond the movie: Staring Nicolas Cage as Walden. What started as a peaceful stay at his summer cottage gets extreme when an alien parasite takes over the once quiet pond and is now threatening to pollute and take over all of the worlds water. Only one man stands between the once calm pond and the world's water supply. Can Walden stop it in time? From the people behind Battleship!

These are kind of fun to write. Take one of your favorite books, forget about the contents of the book, then write a cheesy story with a paper-thin conflict that is roughly related to the title of the book. Now you try.

Moved here.
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